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[ Promise me, that you will be happy with him. ]


I started to cry.
"Luna, I am so sorry. But I just can't advoiding these damn feelings for him. I tried everything.
I tried everything since almost 2 years.
And it worked!
But I guess this time I can't.
I tried to be in a relationship with a other boy, but it felt so wrong and I also always told Chris that I am not in love with him, but I couldn't believe me either."

"Hey, Eva. It is okay. I can understand you, why you love him."
Luna tried to cheer me up.

"Aren't you mad?"

"No. Why should I? Because a girl fell in love with a boy?" She smiled at me.

"Aren't you afraid, that I might steal him or something?" I smiled bit. "Or aren't you jelous?"

"I don't know. Sure, this is really weird for me and I love him too but ...-"
She stopped.

"But what?"

"He is always talking about you."

I nodded silent.

"I think you derserves him more, than me."

"What? Why are you saying this?!" My eyes wide open. I didn't expect this.

"I love him, but I think to be his girlfriend, isn't good for me."


"Because everytime, when I am with Christoffer in a publish place, every girl is looking at him. They wink and smile at him. And the worst thing about it, is that he flirts back. And he really thinks that I don't notice this. I know that he cheated. He cheated often lately, right? I see his hickeys and I know these aren't from me. I can't handle this."

"But Eva, I think you can handle this." She added.

I looked her in the face and asked "Why do you think this?"

"Because you are strong and you don't gave a damn what other people are saying or thinking.
You only care what Christoffer is thinking. I know this since he called you.. you know. But you was hurt, because you love him."

She was right, the only person who hurt me yet, was Chris.
Because he thought I am not good enough.
I cared because I love him.
And the others don't interest me.

And then she began to talk again.
"And if he would be with you, he would only has eyes for you. He wouldn't flirt with a other girl."

I looked at her with a why-are-you-so-sure-face.

"Because he is always talking about how Adam should treat you better. How he could treat you better."

I nodded again.

"Eva, I will break up with Christoffer, okay?"
Luna took my hand and gave me a smile.
"I will break up with him."

One tear after one tear.
Luna wiped the tears from my face away.

"Promise me, that you guys will end up, if I broke up with him. Promise me that you will be happy with him."

I nodded again. I couldn't speak.

"He really loves you." Luna said and hugged me.


〝Who is the stalker now?〞❥Chris & Eva / SKAMWhere stories live. Discover now