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sunday - 11:00 a.m.
Adam's place

When I woke up, I realized that I spent the night by Adam. He hold me tightly to my waist and his hair tickled my neck.

This was weird, because long time ago since I layed in this situation.
The last time was sometime with...Christoffer.
But I was completly drunk, so I don't remember any of it.

Now I am realizing, that Chris and I hooked up A LOT.

No wonder, if he stills want to hook up with me right?

We had a "past" together.

And we were any time drunk.
But I never slept with him?

Wow Christoffer, I am kinda proud of you!

Back to the situation with Adam.
I looked down to my body.

Gosh, thanks god that I didn't slept with him!

How did I end up in his bed with him?

I turned my head and saw Adam.
Then, I saw his hickey on his neck.

Ops. Sorry Adam.

"How late is it?" I asked, when I realized that he is already awake.

"11.00 a.m." He mumbled.

I nodded. "I have to go home. Is that ok?"

"Yes." He smiled. "But first, let me kiss you."

Adam came closer to me and gave me a kiss.

From one kiss, it turned out to a make out session.

He's such a good kisser, wow.

2:00 p.m.
at home

When I arrived home, I literally ran to my room and jumped on my bed.
I layed there maybe for 20 minutes, thinking what just happened the last 24 hours.
And then I realized, that I had the big desire, to cuddle with Adam.

Something is wrong with me.

I guess I'm falling in love with him.

If Sana told me something about her brother and his friends, it was not really much.
Only how annoying they are, if they are at her place. So I couldn't be in love with him, right?
I don't know much about him, yet.

I couldn't be so fast in love with him.

I took my phone out from my pocket and checked all my social medias.

I got three new messages from Penetrator Chris on Instagram direct.
Why can't he just leave me alone?

@ chrisschistad
"Hey stalker."

@ chrisschistad
"Can we talk about what happened on The Penetrators' party?"

@ chrisschistad
"Oh and please unblock me on iMessage??"

〝Who is the stalker now?〞❥Chris & Eva / SKAMWhere stories live. Discover now