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[ This was the night, where everything changed. ]

This is a really spechial chapter,
it is written in Christoffers P.O.V.
I am so excited, that I finally can make this chapter publish!

saturday - 5:50 p.m.
at Isak's place

"Isak, hurry up!" I said, when I noticed that we were late.

"Why? Eva's place isn't a shop. She will be there, when we will enter her place." Isak's voice sounded annoyed.

Luna, Isak and I entered in my car and I drove us to Eva's place.
Luna and me at the front, Isak at the backseats.

I am pretty excited and nervous, because I know, that Eva is super mad at me.

Fy faen, why did I said this to her.

"I don't understand why Luna and I are comming with you. Can't you just go alone to Eva and take your cigarettes?" Isak asked.

"Isak, shut up, or I will kick you out now." I warned him.

"Yeah, can you please? It's my birthday and I have to spent it with you two."

"Are we so annoying?" Luna chuckled.

"Yes. You guys always lick each others face."
Isak said and rolled his eyes.

"Because we are relationship goals, right Chris?" Luna asked me.

I only nodded.

To be honest, I don't even know what relationship goals are.

I mean this is my second relationship. Normally I don't do relationships, okay?

"Eva texted me." Luna whispered.
"She asked when will we be there, because we are late."

"Text her, that we are in 2 minutes there."
I whispered back.

When we all entered at Eva's house, I ranged the door and waited impatient, that Eva open the door.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, when she opened the door.
She played annoyed, so Isak wouldn't notice something.

Good acting, Mohn.

... but I hope that was only acted.

"I forgot my cigarettes." I said and winked at her.

"Oh, yeah.. Uhm your cigarettes."

"Yeah, still don't know why Luna and I have to follow this Penetrator to your place." Isak said a bit annoyed.

And then he realized Eva's outfit.
"Why are you so overdressed?" Isak asked her.

"What do you mean with overdressed?" Eva asked back.
"Oh, uhm.. I am going to a party later."

Isak just nodded. I guess he is sad, that Eva 'forgot' his birthday.

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