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Cara's POV

This is the field report for mission 289 to Johnson high school in Minnesota. The agent sent was agent 032, alias for the mission was Sadie O'Brien. The target was international mafia boss Brooklyn "BD" Dandy. Ok now that the formal portion is over let's get this over with. The plan for this mission was to enter the school as Sadie O'Brien, a 15-year-old high school student, who just moved from Nebraska. I was to get close to Brooklyn through his best friend Rylan "Ry" Graythorn. That didn't really happen though and I nearly failed to complete the mission and resting on that fateful mission was the spot for top agent, which come with a pay raise and better missions, just saying. So here is the full and final field report of Cara Johnson, aka agent 032. It all started about six months ago when I got a mission to Singh Woods high school in Montana.

I walked on my daily route through the park, but, unlike other days, a man in a business suit sat on the bench. As I edged near him, he started tapping out the first movements of Beethoven's fifth symphony, that was the signal the CIA gave me when they were sending me on another mission. I had wrapped up my last mission last week and had been hoping for a nice long break. Oh well, that doesn't seem to be happening now. I sighed and started heading home, knowing that they had already set the mission profile on my dining room table.

As I walked into my apartment the mission profile was on the table, just as expected. As I skimmed through the profile I learned that I was to take a plane to Minnesota tomorrow.

"So much for enjoying my time off." I thought sourly. My alias was Sadie O'Brien, a slightly shy, but nice girl who is currently living with her dad. That wouldn't be too hard to pull off seeing as I was naturally a little shy. When I finish packing it was ten o'clock p.m., I decided to have an early night and promptly started to get ready for bed.

The morning came quickly and I definitely was not ready to get out of bed at the unholy hour that I was required to, in order to catch my flight. After ten minutes of moaning and groaning about getting up, I finally swung my legs over the side of the bed and was greeted by the freezing morning air. I reluctantly went to the bathroom to get ready.

I was out of my apartment half an hour after that and on my way to the airport's long-term parking garage. The thing about this kind of mission is that they can last a few weeks or quite a few months, you never know. Airport security is easy for me because I just flash my badge and a few papers and they just let me straight through. Once I got to my gate I had an hour and a half left to wait before the plane departs. When I found a place to sit I took out my book and just sat back to enjoy my book.

The boarding process was quick and I was pleasantly surprised to find that my ticket was first class, even if the flight was just over an hour it was still nice. The best part was the person sitting next to me was a no show, so I didn't even have to share the armrest.

When I arrived in Minnesota the first thing I noticed was how everyone stressed their vowels, it was strange but fairly soothing. The wait at the luggage carousel took forever but I was finally speeding down the highway in my new rental car on my way to Singh Woods High School. As I arrived at the house that the CIA gave me as a "home" I was greeted by the agent who was going to be my "Dad".

"Hey! I'm Scott," he quickly greeted, "and I'm here to play your 'Dad'." he said with added air quotes.

"Hi. I'm Cara but will be going by Sadie here." I replied. Scott seemed like a nice guy, but I hope that this wasn't just a first impression facade, or else my stay here would be a long and unenjoyable one.

"Unfortunately," Scott started up again breaking my train of thought, "You have to start school tomorrow. So I recommend that you get settled and have an early night tonight."

Tomorrow! Already! I was hoping for more time to get settled in.

"Ok," I sighed "Which room is mine?" I asked Scott. He leads me to a large room with light blue, gray walls. The room also had a bathroom attached to it. I thanked Scott, then started to rapidly put away all of my clothes and other luggage.

"I might have to go shopping soon." I thought with a groan. It was nine o'clock at night when I finished and I decided to get clean up and hit the hay.



Ok so I know most of you won't read this but here it goes anyway.

This is my fist story so constructive criticism is welcome, but not hate. If you hate it just leave, No one like jerks.... (sorry just had to get that off of my chest.)

Next, if you have a cover Idea/ have created one please message me! I would be thrilled and honored to see it!

This is a short story but if you would like to see an extended version of this, or of a similar one tell me!!!

Finally, if you have any questions about the story (or me) just comment or message me I will try to answer them to the fullest of my ability (within reason).

Thank you so much for reading my story (if you even are) please make sure you check out my friends.






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