Kol Mikaelson

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Imagine being in love with Kol but you think he is to good for you so you try to ignore him but being the annoying pest he is, he pesters you until you admit your feelings for him

Your P.O.V

You were driving to Nik's house as he is your best friend and you are always over there, you pull up the drive way and park your car next to Rebecca's car and jump out of your car walking to the door but before you could answer it Kol opens the door

"Ah Y/N how nice to see you Nik is not here right now but your welcome to wait" He flashes that sexy smirk of his and Your legs threaten to buck from underneath you

" Oh ok I um I will just wait for him" you internally curse at your stuttering as he moves to the side to let you in

" So what has my murderous brother done now" Kol follows you into the lounge were Beks and Elijah are

"Hey guys" You wave at Elijah but hug Beks

"Hello Y/N, how has your day been" He looks at you

"Ok beside Nik has something of mine i was hoping to get it back" You quickly do a side way glance at Kol who looks a little annoyed

"Kol are you alright" Rebecca looks at her fuming brother

" Nothing is wrong dear sister" You watch as he walks out

"What is it our notorious brother taken this time" Rebecca looks at you

"Just my diary... Again, I'm going to get a drink" You get up and head to the kitchen were Kol is sitting at the counter with a blood bag

"Tell me Y/N what have I done this time to get the silent treatment" He looks at you with those sexy child like brown eyes

Be to good damn sexy that's what you thought but didn't answer him causing Kol to roll his eyes

"Y/N Me and Elijah are heading out do you want to come" Rebecca Yells

"No I'll wait for Nik" You yell and the door closes

"You can answer my sister but not me" Kol huffs

"Your acting like a child" You sass at him and he smiles

"At least I got an answer" He finishes his blood bag before removing his shirt to use as a napkin and you were trying not to look at his well toned chest

" Like something you see darlin" His heart melting accent flows threw your eyes as you feel your cheeks heat up. You make a quick but hasty exit to the lounge room to escape him but like an annoying child he follows you

"Oh come on love talk to me or ill annoy you till you do" You glare at him

"Only Nik is allowed to call me love" You glare at him before picking up the book Elijah had earlier and start to read it since Elijah wouldn't mind that you did

"Oh please darlin what ever you say" And as he promised he annoyed you to the point you shouted something you wish you didn't

"I LIKE YOU OK HAPPY NOW" You feel your cheeks heat up again and you look at Kol only to see that famous Mikaelson smirk, he grabs your foot pulling it so you drop the book and was lying on your back allowing him to lean over you

"Much happier" He leans done to touch your lips with his, one of his hands was holding him up while the other tugs at your singlet, pulling it over your head, i moan quietly at his touch

" like that darlin" His lips were at your ear but before you two could go any further

"Really on my couch, I'm happy you two finally admitted your feelings but Kol you have a room for that" Nik walks in placing Your diary on the floor where Elijah's book had fallen

"Well brother if you had waited a bit longer" Kol helps you pull my shirt on as you blush bright red

"I umm have to go..somewhere...away...from...here" You manage to get out before picking up your diary and keys before heading for the door

"Ah i don't think so Darlin" Kol throws you over his shoulder and walking toward the stairs, you throw your book and keys at Klaus who catches them and puts them on the couch before you disappear upstairs to an unfamiliar room, it must be Kol's, you struggle In his grip before he places you on the bed, you cross your arms over your chest

"What now love" He is like a whiny child

" I'm umm still....." He clicks on to what you are saying and sighs

"Its your decision, I'll wait as long as i need to" He pushes some hair out of your face

"I want to though" You whisper he nods

"I'll go nice and slow, for you" He helps you undress and starts kissing you softly but sweetly and full of passion

" I'll take good care of you" He whispers in your ear and you nod

After that night you never regretted your decision and both you and Kol are happy together even his family is surprised by his sudden change in attitude and as a thank you gift Ester made it possible for you yo have kids now 3 years later your both happily married with two girls who are exactly like there father which scares you deeply but you couldn't ask for anything more than this

so that's the first chapter of the book I hope you enjoy it and lets just take a moment to admire Kol's cheeky yet sext grin


The Originals and The vampire diaries One shots DISCONTINUED Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt