Chapter 4: Shards & Reflections

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I was a king once.

Now I'm reduced to surviving off a weak, dying body.

The only thing that is worth my time and energy about this body is that it has great power. Power that could destroy the entire or create an entire world if mastered.

That is the only reason why I stay.

I had a name once. I still remember it 'til this day. Baltassar 'Uzziyyah Gilead.

I was a king once.

Now I'm reduced to petty crimes to suffice for my crave, the insatiable hunger, the lust for blood.

But I will regain my throne and rule the weak and innocent people of Earth.

They will finally know of a king more powerful than all the worlds combined.

Opening my eyes, a dim light hung over my head, swinging. Lifting my arms up in front of my blurry eyes, I was happy and surprised to see the pale skin of the body that I latched my mind onto. I'm sorry, Nathan, but I need your power to restore what was lost. All will be revealed soon. I said to myself, hoping that he'd hear me while trapped in his prison.

Jumping off the bathroom counter where I sat, I felt a sharp pain in my spine and at the back of my head. I guess I went too far wile subduing him.

 Hovering my hand in a circular motion around the pained area, a faint gold light appeared out my hand and began to heal my wound.

After being thoroughly healed, I turned around to see the mirror shattered and in shambles. My body and face were distorted and broken into a million little pieces.

Nathan's - my clothes were soaked and covered in blood and tattered.

 I really hope I still remember how to do this.

I slowly lifted my left hand to the point where it was perpendicular to my chin. Flicking it in a circular fashion, a deep, dark, golden yellow, rotating smoke-cloud appeared around my body.

Moments later, the smoke dissipated and gave way to see a devilishly handsome young man â€" who still looks like Nathan â€" with sleeked back, fiery red hair.

"Looks like I still got my fire." I said as I examined my outfit. I wore a jet-black, ankle-long jacket button up all the way to the top, black pants, yellow shades, black boots with yellow buckles, and black and yellow, leather gloves.

"Yeah. I still got my fire." Flicking my hand once again after minutes of admiring my new look, I disappeared in the same smoke-cloud that changed my look. "I've got three weeks of work worth to do before Nathan escapes his hell." I ended in a maniacal laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2018 ⏰

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