Part 2

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Norgay pov

One week later

i feel mclonely becuase i did not get the incest d. its been three months since i felt my younger brother's mclovin. its like 12 at night, i feel like its time to get some good mcfucking. i tiptoe throgh the halways not to awaken the sofa and lego launchers. because"its bad to rape your little brother" they say"especial anal rape" i walk get to his room and here twenty one pilots blasteing. i slam the door open, throwing caution to the wind, and lock the door closed behind me.hes laing on his bed with a body pillow of the lead singer AND eating some of MY butter. i grab the butter and pull up his extra gay as fuck nightgown, and i shove it up his mcass. he screams in pain and i knock him out with butter soon out of nowhere i hear a very drunk american. i dont know why he was drinking because he is underage but then again i dont know why i was raping my brother. out of no where the drunk american from outside burst through the mcwindow and a damn sofa is launched at my face. i get knocked out, the last thing i think was ice ice baby

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