Chapter 8- A New begging

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Theophilia ran she ran as far as she could away from that place. She was so scared of what she had become that she didn't want to try to have a family anymore. So she decided that she was going to live a new life as a human she made up her mind that she was going to as far away from the supernatural life for as long as she could but she knew one day It was going to catch back up to her sooner or later

5 Years Later

It has been 5 years sense Theophilia have had any contact with the supernatural life and she was happy about it. Theophilia was now 20 years old now she has a nice house and I well known among the human people. She was successful. She had everything she ever wanted. Until James showed up.

James: I have been looking for you

Theophilia slams the door in his face but before she can shut it james stops the door from closing fully

James: Let me talk to you

Theophilia: Why should I. I have nothing to say to you

James: I'm sorry

Theophilia: sorry my butt you tried to kill me

James: I was mad at the time I was not thinking straight will you pls forgive me

Theophilia: I will never forgive you. Do you know how scared I was. I thought that you hated me

James: to be honest I kinda did at that moment

she was about to close the door but he stopped it again

Theophilia: what do you want James

James: I want to talk to you

Theophilia: I have nothing to say to you so leave

James: but I have plenty to say to you

James walks into her house and they sit on her sofa

James: I know what I done was wrong and I should have jumped to conclusions but to be honest it did look like you were gonna kill her. And you threw me so far.

Theophilia: Well I am pretty strong

James: don't be arrogant
Theophilia: I'm not arrogant
James:ok miss I'm pretty strong. Oh and do you want to vist Anna and the rest of the pack

To Be Continued.......................

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