Chapter 4- The Family

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???: JAMES!!!! what are you doing with this this woman

James: honey don't worry about her I just found her in the woods and plus she is only 15 years old.

???: oh well hello there my name is Anna how are you

Theophilia: My name is Theophilia and I'm fine and you

Anna: I'm doing amazing and why were you in the woods you know that is a very dangerous place to be

Theophilia: I just left my pack

Anna: (takes a steep back) your a werewolf

James: Don't worry honey she is a hybrid

Anna lets out her breath that she had been holding in

James: she is dragon/vampire/werewolf. she was treated badly were she used to live so she came here to get away from all the trouble

Anna: ( hugs Theophilia) oh honey are you ok have you eaten? Are you tired? Come on and eat I have food already made for you to stuff your belly with. Girl you are very skinny you need to put some meat on them bones come in the house

Anna drags Theophilia into the house while James stays behind chuckling while watching them walk away into the house.

To Be Continued..................................

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