Chapter 6- New ability

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Thoephilia was about to attack when James came running to Theophilia and tackled her. James pinned her to the ground.

James: Theophilia snap out of it

Theophilia just kept growling and snapping at James

Theophilia: Let me go

James: not until you calm down Theophilia this is not you. Calm down and we can talk about this together we are family now

Theophilia just laid there and looked at James. The after a while Theophilia threw James off of her and charger to Anna and when Theophilia got a hold to Anna instead of killing her like you expected she hugged Anna and started crying. After a couple of seconds Anna hugged her back.:

Theophilia: I'm sorry

Anna: I'ts Okay

Meanwhile James came back in full attack mode. He thought that Theophilia killed his wife he was raged. When James got back he saw Theophilia hugging Anna and crying. Anna's back was facing him so he couldn't see that she was alive. Then he Attacked

To Be Continued...................

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