Chapter 12: Unity Lance

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Gah...what is it this time? I'm already sore enough from my battle, but sleeping against a wall hasn't done me much good either.

It looks like daylight is just barely creeping through; the sun has only begun to rise. But something is off. There is a pair of lights shining on the wall next to me through the main aisle. Flashlights, perhaps? Either way, those are not natural lights. I need to find out who is here. Although I wish I could have some coffee first.

I began to crawl to the wall opposite of the two lights so I can get a better look at the source. Who was this and why have they chosen to come here of all places?

Crap. It's exactly who I don't want it to be. There is one of those dark green armored cars parked in front of the store. Three goons stepped out of the vehicle, each armed with a rifle and standard grayish blue armor. I ducked back behind the shelf. Why have they come here!? What do I do?

"Think this is the right place?" One of them said in a deep baritone. I'll call him Barry. He was speaking in English, much to my surprise. With no accent apparent either. Something is fishy...

"Could be. The announcement said the target escaped in a stolen red Toyota. I do believe this car is the very same one." Another with a higher pitched voice replied. I will refer to them as Mini.

"Do you think we can catch the sermon while we hunt him down? It'll be more efficient that way and also I want to have some more time for football later." A more nasal voice said, and I assumed it to be the last of the three. I'll call him Nosy. What was that about a sermon?

"Have you no sense of urgency? We are hunting down a criminal." Mini scolded his partner. Criminal. That kind of stings...that kind of really stings. That's not who I am.

"So? We have guns and the report says he doesn't. He's like, screwed." Nosy countered. I almost find myself agreeing with you there, Nosy.

"The report also said that the target bested The Prophet in a fight. I find that hard to believe." Barry said. You are damn right I bested him in a fight! I'd do it again too.

"Perhaps The Forefather had not shined his light upon him that day." Nosy said. What was he going on about? Forefather... "Now, if you excuse me I am going to put on The Prophet's sermon. I don't want to miss it and I would prefer to hear it live."

"He'll hear us-" Mini protested but a strange buzzing sound came from the car. I am going to assume that Nosy is not listening. These guys sound like a couple of jokes.

"Welcome to the Unity Lance's channel. Our daily sermon shall begin within one minute. Remember, all recordings are mandatory for listening." An enthusiastic mechanical voice sounded from the car. The Unity Lance...that is either their radio station or the name of the enemy.  One of the soldiers sigh with annoyance.

"...Let's just get this over with." Mini said. I heard the shuffling of their armor as they began to walk into the station. I am in deep trouble. Worse still, I am going to be in this situation while listening to the voice of one of the people I hate most in this world.

"Good morning, my loyal companions!" The cheery voice of Mondre chirped on the car radio. Ew. "It is time for our daily sermon. Despite the havoc that is ongoing these past few days, we mustn't lose heart! Please, join me if you would in my sermon." He then cleared his throat. The soldiers must have stopped to listen, because I don't hear the shuffling of their boots across the floor.

"In the age of silent solace, we stood as the oppressed robins under the boot of  secretive snakes. We were denied the promise given to us by The Founder because of their selfish greed. For centuries our pleads were unanswered and ignored." Mondre said with a sorrowful voice. "Then, he came to us to give us the gift we desired. Our Forefather, our shining star, fought against the gluttonous snakes so that all of humanity may have access to the great gift of magic. War broke out and in the end we were defeated. Our Forefather and all of his followers, including myself, were sealed away in a select region of The Congo." Alright, I admit it. I have to know what he is going on about. This is all news to me. If I just keep hidden, I might be able to get vital information.

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