Calfrey Comes From Above

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"I'm Calfrey, superhero, and I can fly. I fly up, I fly down, I fly all around town."

At least, that's what I tell my 4 year old nephew, until he spits juice on my Armani jacket and kicks me right in the knee.

I know I'm no poet but I wish he'd taken it a bit better.

"OUCH-" It hurts like,- like getting a foot at the knee, which is very painful and exactly what I feel.


Oh that kid, I try to make a decent poem and he laughs at me like that.

I would kick him back, honestly. But I don't. Instead I walk out of the room with whatever dignity I have left. Then I realize, I have nowhere to go, so I go to the garden.

It's really nice here actually, my brother's house, which isn't really a house but a castle. A full fledged, gigantic, purple and gold castle. Complete with it's own cliff, ocean, and theme park.

I decide to head for the theme park.

As a kid, I lived in this castle too, but I chose to leave for many reasons. The theme park isn't one of them, because I love this place. I head for the ferris wheel when something catches my eye.

Another eye.

A bigger one staring right at me. It's big and green and made of cardboard. A fortune telling booth perhaps? Well whatever it is, it's definitely new, and I head for it instead.

I enter the velvet tent, it's really eerie outside, but inside, it's twice as creepy. A lady sits in the middle of the tent and motions me to come closer. I walk towards her, noticing her nails, which are so long I wonder if she has ever heard of a nail cutter. How does she pick her nose with that?

"Child, tell me-" she says, but gets cut off when a bubbly little girl comes out of the table and pounces on me.

"Wheeee grandma look, I found a floweeeeerrrrr!!!! Grandma!!!!!" the little girls squeaks, literally bursting with energy. She grabs a lot of things all at the same time and does so many things at once, I actually got dizzy.

"Hey, Annita, stop that, no-" says Grandma, well, that's what I decide to call her. "Don't touch that, goodness sake, ANNITA!" she grabs hold of the child but is a moment too late because Annita drops a jar and it breaks open into a thousand pieces. Light green powder comes up and bursts and starts going to me, I inhaled it accidentally.

Next thing I know, I'm floating.

Out of the tent, up to the sky, and soon I'm so high up the theme parks starts to look like a big mess of skittles.

Now I'm really flying.


This will make sense in the next chapter, probably, I hope. xD ~Mitz

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