Hetalia High School Host Club

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Elizaveta sighed, pushing the bangs of her short brown hair out of her face as she continued to make her way up the over-furnished stairs. All she wanted was a quiet place the study. Nothing more, nothing less. And yet it seemed that every other room she'd gone to had been full of loud and obnoxious rich people. Thus logic was telling her to go to the top floor and find a room that no one else used. There had to be one.

Or so she hoped, anyway.

The Hungarian student stared up at the dusty sign hanging above the door she'd come across. It did appear to no longer be in use, if nothing else. "'Third World Geography Room', huh?" she mused. "I guess the course was removed from the roster, so they don't need the room anymore." She couldn't recall seeing it when she'd chosen her classes, so her assumption was logical - at least, in her opinion.

She took a deep breath, praying that the room would be empty and that she'd be able to study in peace, then opened the door.

You have got to be kidding me.

"Welcome, Hungarian foreign exchange student Eli Héderváry," a smooth voice said, "to the Hetalia High School Host Club."

Ah, that's right. I did ask to be called Eli for short, didn't I?

She immediately turned on her heel and tried to leave, not wanting to have to deal with the group of six rich boys. Unfortunately, the same one who'd spoken stood from his chair, took a few steps forward, and grabbed her shoulder.

"Going somewhere?" he chuckled. She noticed that his eyes were a piercing violet, which was something she'd never seen before.

They must be contacts.

"Yes, actually," she replied, shrugging his hand off of her. "Away from here."

Roderich raised a brow when she spoke, remaining silent as he wrote something down in the small notebook he held in his left hand. When Lovino and Feliciano tried to peek, he held it out of their view, resulting in them sticking their tongues out at him. "So you're the foreign exchange student everyone has been gossiping about as of late," he said in attempt to direct their attention away from him. "You must have a lot of nerve to apply to Hetalia High of all schools."

Elizaveta frowned, unsure of whether his words were a compliment or an insult. It turned out, however, that she had no time to think about it, so it didn't really matter.

"You are a hero to your people, mon cher!" the light-haired teen who'd grabbed her proclaimed. "At least, so to speak. It's truly an amazing feat that you made it into Hetalia High - and by some chance of 'fate' you've stumbled upon the Host Club." He winked at her. "Well, there's no shame in being gay. A customer is a customer, after all!"

Elizaveta opened and closed her mouth in a manner akin to a fish. "I - actually, um..." She couldn't think of a reasonable explanation.

"Don't hide it, mon ami," he chastised. "So, what do you prefer? Berwald - the 'Wild' type?" He gestured towards a tall man with icy blue eyes, who did nothing but stare at her. "Peter - the 'Boy Lolita'?"

"Hi, Mr. Eli!" an energetic-looking boy exclaimed from atop the silent blonde's shoulders. "It's nice to meet you!"

"What about the 'Little Devil' type of Lovino and Feliciano, hmm?"

"Yo," a set of identical twins said, flashing peace signs towards her. She swore that their curls seemed to bounce in unison.

"Even Roderich, the 'Cool' type?"

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