Chapter Eight

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My stomach dropped and my eyes burned. This cannot be happening. The council members were my only credible sources on gathering information about Fiona. But now they are dead.

Fiona had to have killed them. Killed them with just the wave of a hand, in cold blood, with the thought of never getting caught in the act of doing it herself. For someone who runs a Coven, she does not do a very good job and keeping her tracks clean. No wonder the girls at Robichaux's Academy have no direction; they are under the "protection" of a witch who kills off those of her own kind. Fiona thrives most when she is in charge and is calling the shots. She felt threatened by The Council having so much power, including the option to take her throne away, and that is why she killed them.



One of them.

Trying to regain my composure, I took a sharp breath in and rose to my feet. Oh my god, their heads are gashed wide open. There is no way that that could have been done with just the doing of Fiona's magic. Those gashes look like they were done with an axe. An incredibly sharp axe.

Who would want to leave this mess around for anyone to see? This was not done accidentally, someone wanted the council members to be found. I had no doubt in my mind that this was Fiona's doing. She wanted me to come and find her. I fell for her trap and now the council members are dead. This is all my fault. Calling the cops was out of the picture. I could be questioned and my own secret could be revealed. Who I am and what I possess could get ME killed.

Think Weslynn, think!

I sprinted towards the hallway in search of a rug or window curtains that I could use to wrap the council members up in. There was, in fact, a long rug that ran along the hallway flooring for me to use. I pulled as hard as I could to get the rug across the floor and into the library. Upon entering the library, a foul odor hit me in the face and it began to hang in the air.

If I want all witches to stay safe, I need to make sure that it looks like absolutely nothing happened here. I placed the rug alongside Myrtle's body first and slowly began to rock her body back and forth in an effort to get her on top of it. My arms were slowly dying and I could no longer push. I brought my hands up to my face and rubbed my eyes until I saw stars.

There is only one other way to do this.

The blood from the council member's bodies pooled around me. The longer that I wait, the more the blood will spill out. I moaned as I sat down in the puddle of blood, its warm temperature and the stickiness to it causing me to gag. I placed both of my feet against Myrtle's body and gave her a quick push. This method seemed doable. It is my only option at this point.

Okay,, two, three!


Myrtle's body rolled onto the rug, her skin ripping away from the floor after being stuck to it from the blood for so long. Luckily her body was still intact, but the smell that she and the others were giving off would take days to air out of the place.

That was only one body. I have two other bodies to push. Going back to Robichaux's for help crossed my mind, but if I were to bring any of the others into the mess of things, the outcome would just get uglier. I could really use Cordelia's help right about now. I know that she would tell me that I am capable of doing anything I set my mind to, but trying to get rid of a crime scene done by a witch is more difficult than you would expect.

Do it for Cordelia, if nothing else. Once Fiona is dead, Cordelia will finally be able to fly free. She could even be the next Supreme.

Thinking about Cordelia becoming the next Supreme caused my adrenaline to switch into high gear and I was ready to go again. Once more, I sat down in the ever growing puddle of blood and began to push Quentin's body towards the rug. After Quentin and Cecily's bodies were there next to Myrtle's, I started to roll the rug up. Doing so was incredibly difficult and their limbs would somehow find a way out of the rug. I was half tempted to remove them with a knife from the kitchen, but decided against it.

I have heard that deep in the swamps of New Orleans lives a witch who goes by the name of Misty Day. Misty is able to reattach limbs with her special mud and she is able to bring back those of the dead. If I can find this Misty Day, I can bring the council members back to life and figure out what happened.

Two can play at this game, Fiona Goode.

After the bodies were rolled up and the blood was wiped from the floor, I opened all of the windows and doors that the sanctuary possessed to air out the putrid smell. You would think witches would smell better than that, with all of their powers and mysticalness to them. But they are, well...were, living and breathing creatures, too.

I had no idea what I was going to do with the bodies. Do I keep them hidden here underneath piles of blankets? Do I roll them down the hill in the back and hope that it does not go any farther than I want it to? No, no, that is insane. I will go back to Robichaux's and tell Cordelia, and only Cordelia, about what happened. I am positive she will know what to do.

Wait. What if Fiona did something to Cordelia? My heart dropped even deeper towards the pit of my stomach than it has in my entire life. I have to get back to the academy right now. This is all a mess.

My lungs ached for air as I reached the outside steps of the academy. At this point, I was hallucinating from worry. I pushed through the Victorian doors and scrambled towards Cordelia's office. The other girls looked up from the game that they were in the middle of playing, completely oblivious as to what was going on, which upset me to the point of almost setting fire to their hair. When I entered Cordelia's office, there was nothing there but the sound of the telephone humming and buzzing with life.

Oh god, where is she?

The greenhouse. She has to be in the greenhouse.

As I made my way to the greenhouse, the other girls followed suit.

"Cordelia! Cordelia, please, are you in here? Well don't just stand there, help me look for her!"

The girls and I checked every inch of the greenhouse, but found nothing. They asked hundreds of questions. None of which I answered. I only told them to keep looking and to not stop looking until we found Cordelia. We broke off into two groups of three. One group would check the grounds outside while the other group would check inside. I lead the second group inside and started from the front living room to eventually make our way to the room at the back of the house on the second story.

The first story gave us nothing. Cordelia was nowhere to be found. My body was going into shock and I began to use my powers to tear the academy apart. I was not going to give up. Cordelia meant so much to me and Fiona was not going to take away another innocent life.

After reaching the second story, we frantically called out to Cordelia. Eventually, one of the witches approached a door on the left side of the hallway towards the back of the academy and found it to be locked.

"Guys! I hear someone screaming in here. I think it's Cordelia! Get over here now!"

I pushed my way through the girls to get to the door and began to pound my fists against it. That was definitely Cordelia screaming in there. I tried using my magic to open the doorknob like I had at The Council's sanctuary, but the spell was too powerful.

Before any of the girls or I could try anything else, evil laughter from a man echoed against the walls of the hallway. We backed away from the door and looked at each other with horror in our eyes.

"The Axeman," we said in unison.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2019 ⏰

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