Essence Of Light

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AN: This is a story inspired by the topic 'Essence Of Light'. The story is of a baby and how it was brought to this world. A story of a peaceful, harmless miracle and how it saw the miracle of light.


It was in a gloomy place floating in an abyss of darkness and chaos. Not knowing where it was it what it was doing. It kicked once. Twice. And heard a muffled voice from somewhere far, far away saying something incomprehensible.

Suddenly it felt being stuck. Not able to float freely anymore. Being pushed to where it didn't want to go.
It heard a muffled screaming somewhere.
"No", it thought. "Don't scream".

It saw something glow up ahead.
It started moving towards it. Moving towards the light, escaping from this wormhole that was sucking it in.
It floated, pushed, kicked and finally felt something cold. It started crying and crying until a deep well of unconsciousness swallowed her.

It felt something against its body. It was soft. Someone was talking to it.
"Sera", the voice said.
She opened her eyes for the first time. The light was blinding.
She closed them. She blinked once. Twice. Trice. She stared at the world in front of her. A world which was not covered by the harsh darkness but covered in soft light.
She giggled. She heard someone say "Sera" again.
She looked at them. The woman was holding out a finger. Sera grabbed them and held onto them like there was no tomorrow.
The woman was crying but smiling at the same time. Sera laughed. A laugh which sounded like wind chimes and held onto that finger staring at the infinite bright not so gloomy place beyond until sleep claimed her.   

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