Running Away Together

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I met back up with Flug in the lab after 2 minutes of grabbing stuff. Conveniently, there was a bag in the closet I could use. Flug  was wearing a blue backpack with planes on it. It was absolutely adorable, but I didn't say anything about it.

"Do you have everything you need?" I asked, eager to leave as soon as possible.

"Yeah, and I made this a while ago. It's similar to the Mary Poppins bag, because it's almost endless so I could fit everything easily," He started rambling.

I then looked around and realized that the assortment of ray guns and inventions were all missing from their shelves. There were boxes of parts that were there before and now weren't. Whatever the hell he shoved in that bag might explode or something. But I didn't worry about it.

"You ready?" I double checked.

He nodded, and stealthily made our way out the front door of the mansion. BlackHat's words were echoing through my head. 'If you don't come I'LL KILL YOU'. It made the whole thing seem so much more scary, but I shook the thought out of my head, and kept walking with Flug.

"So, the real question, where are we going?" I questioned.

"No idea, however, I have heard rumors around that Sir BlackHat has a brother who's incredibly nice. I have a feeling we may o may not run into him," He answered.

"Well let's just hope he's the exact opposite of BlackHat," I joked.


We walked in awkward silence for what felt like hours. We took turns here and there, slightly mumbling when we were going to. I had no idea what to say, I could only think about Flug's browser from earlier. My face heated up at the thought. I could slightly tell that Flug noticed my random blushing, but I thought he assumed I'm cold. After around the fourth time, he put his lab coat around me. That made my face even redder.

"Uh, Y/N, do you see that?"

There was a giant, white blob in the distance that uncannily looked like a hat.


Instead of turning, we headed straight for the object. It was in fact a huge, hat shaped house. It was shaped just like BlackHat's but it was white with blue windows, and the fence was a white picket one like in movies.

"You have GOT to be kidding me," I laughed.

Suddenly, the door swung open to reveal a man who looked ridiculously like BlackHat. He wore a long white coat with a blue inside, and his hat looked like his house. His tie was blue, and so was the shirt underneath his overcoat. His clothes were just like the inverted colors version of our previous employer. His skin, however, looked exactly the same. 

His eyes had the sort of shine you'd see in an ecstatic child, and his smile was genuine. It wasn't like BlackHat's where it portrayed evil and malice. I wanted to trust this person.

"Greetings friends!" He giddily introduced as if on cue. "I am WhiteHat!"

"Uh, hi?" I responded first, unsure why he was so happy, and why he called us friends.

"Yep, this is his brother alright," Flug mumbled underneath his paper bag.

"You are correct! I am BlackHat's brother! I assume you are coming from his domain?"

I slowly shook my head. My gut wanted to trust him, but my mind didn't. I went with my gut.

"We're tired of him mistreating us," Flug stated, clearly intending to trust him.

"Well you're welcome here!" He gestured to the door.

I looked at Flug, he seemed so pleased with the kindness, so I followed him inside the mansion.

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