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The fear in my stomach made me want to throw up as I held BlackHat's arm in the air. I immediately let go, afraid of what he was going to do to me.

"My office Y/N, NOW!" He screamed as he stormed off to his office.

I followed after shooting Flug a look of 'Don't worry I got this". He responded with shaking his head rapidly. 

When I got to the small maroon and black room, I stood nervously in front of the demon at his desk.

"Do you have any idea how much you just disrespected me?" He asked, although he already knew the answer.

"I-I'm sorry sir! B-but I couldn't j-just stand by a-and watch you hurt h-him!" I defended myself, hoping he'd appreciate my confidence. However, I sounded just like Flug when I spoke, so I really just sounded scared.

"You don't just GET to touch me and get away with it!" His voice was demonic beyond description. 

"I-Im sorry sir-"

"As punishment, I'm going to lock you in here with Demencia for two hours,"

I gulped, remembering when I first met the batshit crazy lizard lady. "Y-yes sir,"

"Come back here are 2 o'clock sharp. IF YOU'RE LATE I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"

"Y-yes sir!" I rushed out, and towards the lab. Flug knew how to deal with her yesterday, he would now. Right?

I arrived, and threw open the door. Flug nearly fell out of his chair when the door slammed against the wall.

"Y/N!" He sounded kind of excited, but also very worried at the same time. 

He spun around to face me, and closed his browser behind him. I already noticed that it said 'How to ask someone out on a date', but the fear in my gut was too strong to think about that right now. In the back of my mind though, I was impressed he could successfully close the tab behind him. 

"What did he do?!" Flug asked, panicked.

"He's going to lock me in his office with Demencia for two hours..." After thinking about it, I wasn't sure how bad that punishment actually was. Unless he told her that I tried to love him, in which she'd go a full yandere and probably murder me.

"She's annoying, but  don't think she can do too much harm," He made it sound better. I wished I could just hide in the lab instead.

"I have this feeling he's going to tell her I did things that I didn't, y'know?"

"Yeah, then she's a problem. Oh!" He handed me the grey hoodie from before. "I washed it. Maybe you could stick the spray bottle in the pocket?"

"That'd seem way too suspicious." I countered. "He's obviously going to check me,".

"True...I can probably make a chemical that could make you stronger, so you could withstand the biting and clawing," He said it as more of a question.

"I'm due in there at 2"

"Not enough time. I could just, you know, let you out,"

"What if he knows?"

"Damnit, this was a smart punishment on his part...I can't think of any ways to help you that he wouldn't find out about," Flug sighed.

"I could run away,"

He was visibly taken aback by that statement, his goggles portraying sadness. "Uh-"

"No, I wouldn't leave you behind like that. Bad idea..."

Suddenly, an idea came to mind like a lightbulb above my head. I held up my finger, and Flug looked more engaged like he knew exactly what I was thinking.

"BlackHat is a terrible boss anyway," He started. He knew exactly what i was going to say.

"Flug, pack your things!"

I ran out the room, heading for my own. We were just going to run away together.

Defending Him (Dr.FlugXreader)Where stories live. Discover now