Well that was embarrassing

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*Louis P.O.V*

My lips cupped Macey’s hers were soft and round. It made my body tingle. I moved my hands to her waist as her hand went around my neck. We stood there kissing for at least three minutes. When we drew away I gasped, it was the most amazing kiss I ever had. 

“I can’t believe I just kissed someone in the rain” Macey exclaimed giggling.

“You’re the best kisser” I sighed. I saw Macey turn bright red, she was adorable.

“Thanks, that’s the first time I kissed anyone” She said staring at her feet.

“Natural talent, now let’s get out of this rain.” I said I grabbed her hand and we ran to my car.

I turned on the engine and put the heater up full blast.

“Fuck” I exclaimed. Macey turned to me.

“What?” She asked.

“Heater isn’t working” I said pressing all the buttons I could see to get it to work.

“No problem I’m not that cold” Macey said looking at her hands.

“Don’t be daft you’re shaking.” I said I pulled off my jacket and chucked it at her.

“Put it on” I said as I backed out of the car park. 

“No , no I am fine” Macey shivered.

“Put it on now” I raised my voice a tad, she flinched and pulled the jacket over her.

“I’m sorry I just, I don’t want you getting sick” I shook my head.

*Macey’s P.O.V*

Oh my god his jacket smells like him. He smells so nice. He smells like cinnamon buns and hot chocolate. I took a deep breath in and smiled. I was playing with my fingers.

“Macey” Louis glanced at me.

“Yeah” I said still looking at my hands.

“I umm I... OH my fucking god” Louis Screamed as he served in to the other lane.

“Dick head.” He screamed at the car that past us.

“What happened?” I asked.

“Are you okay?” Louis said putting the brakes on.

“I’m fine, what happened?” I asked, Louis seemed to ignore me, he pulled off his seat belt and leaned over to me studying me carefully.

“Did you hit your head?” He asked as he grabbed my head and turned it.

“No, what happened?” He frowned. Then sighed with relief.

“Good you didn’t get hurt, I was worried.” He said.

“I told you I wasn’t hurt what happened?” I ask raising my voice. Louis shook his head,

“Everything is fine as long as you’re right. What if I didn’t swerve out of the way, you could of broken a leg or arm or neck or worse you could’ve died, that stupid fucking dick” Louis was starting to sweat.

“Louis. I am fine what happened? I said touching his arm. He shook his head.

“Dick head, was driving the wrong side of the road we nearly collided with him. But everything is okay, as long as you are fine.” Louis just stared out the window.

“Louis. What if we had bashed into that car?” I asked. Louis started crying.

“Louis! It didn’t happen it’s fine.” I said in alarm I took my seatbelt off and wrapped my arms around Louis hugging him tight.

“It may be for now, you may be safe now , but what if I’m not there to save you, and then I lose you, it’ll be like losing the world.” Louis cried harder.

“Louis you just met me” I said patting his back.

“My mother told me, that when I met the person I’d love for the rest of my life I’d know. And Macey I know you are that person you are the one I never want to leave again.” Louis lifted his head from my shoulder he leaned forward and kissed my cheek.

“I won’t be happy until you are until you are at my house, safe” Louis side.

“Put your seatbelt back on” He said as he pulled his one, I clicked mine in.

“Ready?” He asked. I nodded.

“Ok let’s hope we don’t nearly crash into anyone this time” He said as he kept driving.

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