Louis Tomlinson Fanfic

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“OK so what’s next on my list? CARROTS !!!!!!! oh I eat too many carrots, wait Louis likes girls who eat carrots, Louis must love me” I giggled as I was talking to myself I turned to see a little five year old staring at me like I was a weirdo I poked my tongue out at her.

“Gawd a twenty year old virgin talking to herself, smooth and I wonder why I haven’t gone all the way yet, or any of the way actually. The fact that I aint that attractive is a big factor though” I start laughing,

“I feel like a dick but i am still talking to myself, can’t make any more of a fool of myself, I’ll just ride on this trolley” I lifted myself on the trolley and pushed off racing down the aisle to the carrots. Suddenly someone stepped in my way I screamed and jumped down dragging my feet along the floor hoping not to bash into them, as I did this my glasses fell off and so did my hat, my curly hair flung

 everywhere. The good thing is I didn’t push the guy over, I just slightly tapped him with the trolley. I ended up on the floor though. 

“Oh my. Are you okay? Here are your glasses” I reached out blindly and eventually grabbed my glasses I shoved them on my face, looked around for my hat when I found it I grabbed it and pulled it onto my head. A hand reached out I grabbed it. I noticed the guy must of been very strong.

“Thank you!” I said smiling.

“You’re welcome” He had an amazing British accent which I have heard before but where from? I looked up and who do I see? The gorgeous Louis Tomlinson.

“Oh my effing god” I screamed. Louis smiled.

“I can’t believe I am standing in front of Louis Tomlinson I mean oh my effing god, and it has to be in the carrot aisle , of all place I mean I am speechless.” I was babbling on like I usually do.

“Well not fully speechless since you are saying a million words per second” He laughed.

I snorted, which is what I do when I laugh.

“ Oh my effing god you didn’t see me ride down the aisle on my trolley did you? And you saw me fall flat on my arse right? Oh please say you didn’t hear me talk to myself” Louis just laughed at me.

“Yes I did see you ride down on your trolley and it looked like fun until I stepped into your way. And honestly I thought you falling on your arse was quite adorable. And no I didn’t hear you talk to yourself. Wait you talk to yourself?” Louis was laughing his head off I felt completely stupid.

“Well this is awkward. I would say I am not usually this weird but well I am” I said blushing.

Louis stopped laughing.

“Why do you feel awkward? I talk to myself all the time. Makes me feel like I am not alone” He smiled.  I shook my head. “I should of guessed.” 

“ Well you know my name, but I don’t know yours?” Louis smiled.

“Oh umm how silly of me. My name is Mackenzie, but most people call me Macey” I smiled showing my braces.

“Well it was nice to meet you Macy” He held his hand out and I shook it trying not to scream. I turned around and skipped off, I left the store to find it was pouring rain and I was wearing a t-shirt. I never chose cloths right. I was about to walk home, since I can’t afford a car when I heard my name being called out.

“Macey!” I turned to see Louis.

“I can’t let you walk home in the rain” he said smiling.

“How did you know I don’t have a car?” I said puzzled.

“My car is the only one in the lot” he said nodding to his Lamborghini.

“So your fans did send you one?” he laughed.

“ Unfortunately no I bought it myself.” I snorted again.

“So come on” he said has he took off his jacket and draped it around me.

“Wait! Why would you want to drive me home?” I said. He shook his head.

“I don’t want to drive you to your house. I want to drive you to mine.”

“Why?” I said completely confused.

“’Cuz I want to rape you. No I am kidding, bad joke. Um why wouldn’t I?” half laughing half frowning Louis replied.

“Umm I don’t know ‘cuz I have frizzy yucky hair. I can’t see without my glasses I have no tits yet I am fat. I am a complete weirdo who talks to herself rides down aisles and falls on her arse, I have braces yet I am twenty I look like a  ten year old, And yeah bad joke” I replied shaking my head.

Louis frowned.

“Firstly I think your hair looks really cool. Secondly I love girls who wear glasses. And with all due respect I have been staring at your tits this whole time, please don’t take that as creepy. Thirdly I can’t see any fat on you. Fourthly I love girls who are weird, I am weird as well. I told you I talk to myself and that looked really fun, you riding on the trolley and I also said you looked cute falling right on your arse, which I was staring at when you walked out as well. I think you are absolutely adorable with braces. You don’t look ten you look like seventeen, wait your twenty that is cool so am I. And lastly I think you are absolutely beautiful and perfect the way you are.” Louis smiled ear to ear. I was shocked. I hadn’t heard anything so sweet yet unbelievable in my life.

“I.. I..I don’t believe you” I stuttered, still shocked.

He smiled and started singing “You’re insecure, don’t know what for, you’re turning heads when you walk through the door. Don’t need makeup to cover up being the way you are is enough. Everyone else in the room can see it everyone else but you. Baby you light up my world like nobody else the way you flip your hair get’s me overwhelmed. When you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell you don’t know you don’t know your beautiful, that’s what makes you beautiful” He smiled at me.


“Shhh don’t talk” he said holding a figure up. He moved closer to me I stood still what was going to happen. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me right up against him. He leaned down, since he was way taller than me and I went up on my tippy toes so we were about the same height. My heart was thumping really hard in my chest and I had butterflies in my stomach.

“Macey” he whispered. 

“I know I just met you but you took my breath away.” 

And then Louis moved even closer to me, if it was possible and our lips were millimetres apart. 

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