Submission Guidelines

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*All submissions must be by or about a person of color.

*Everything will be read, checked for proper grammar/punctuation, and sent through the Editor for final approval before being posted.

•All submissions must be completed before being turned in. You may revise your writing after it is posted and resubmit it. If you have to resubmit subject your submission as "Revisions". 

•For quick responses, the best way to submit pieces is through Email at


•Every submission must be at least one chapter long, with a maximum of three. 

•Five submissions will be accepted per person if the story is one chapter. For those that do exceed, they will be limited to three submissions. 

•Keep in mind that you are submitting under the Non-Fiction category. Nonfictional writing is always fact based. 


*Can accept individual poem (IP) OR an anthology with a minimum of 5 poems.

*1-3 IPs per person OR 1 Anthology per person*Anthologies don't need to be completed


* Specify what genre (romance, adventure, etc) when submitting. 

* Specify if your story has mature content.

*When submitting specify the length of the story and what type of story it is Example: (short story, novel, or novella/chapters/words)


*3 pieces per person may be accepted.

*There is no submission limit.

*Must be submitted with name of artist, name of piece, and description of the art.

*Must be original pieces.

If you have any questions PM or email the account. 

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