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So, my friends and I were having a sleepover/party and we decided to do some story generators! They are really weird so I'm sorry in advance! :)

Two Sneezy Uncles Umbridgeing to the Beat

A Short Story

Dingbat Mcweirdopants looked at the Shiny A potato in her hands and felt ugly.

She walked over to the window and reflected on her Moldy surroundings. She had always hated Smelly The chamber of sneezes with its thirsty, tender The Toilet. It was a place that encouraged her tendency to feel ugly.

Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Peanut Butter. Peanut was a Cauliflower dementor with demonic Big toe and demented pinky toe.

Dingbat gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. She was a Crazy, Demented, Butterbeer drinker with Weasley Big toe and weird pinky toe. Her friends saw her as a dead, deep demon. Once, she had even helped an uncooked Old lady cross the road.

But not even a Crazy person who had once helped an uncooked Old lady cross the road, was prepared for what Peanut had in store today.

The Random Body parts teased like Barfing Bronagh, making Dingbat Umbridge.

As Dingbat stepped outside and Peanut came closer, she could see the rare glint in her eye.

"I am here because I want A taco," Peanut bellowed, in a Winnie the Pooh tone. She slammed her fist against Dingbat's chest, with the force of 8260 Emma. "I frigging hate you, Dingbat Mcweirdopants."

Dingbat looked back, even more Umbridge and still fingering the Shiny A potato. "Peanut, I like Potatoes," she replied.

They looked at each other with Stupid feelings, like two high-pitched, helpless Heather sneezing at a very Potato Funeral, which had Heavy metal music playing in the background and two Sneezy uncles Umbrideging to the beat.

Suddenly, Peanut lunged forward and tried to punch Dingbat in the face. Quickly, Dingbat grabbed the Shiny A potato and brought it down on Peanut's skull.

Peanut's demonic Big toe trembled and her demented pinky toe wobbled. She looked Demented, her body raw like an alert, amused A phone.

Then she let out an agonizing groan and collapsed onto the ground. Moments later Peanut Butter was dead.

Dingbat Mcweirdopants went back inside and made herself a nice drink of Butterbeer.


My friends and I totally ship Dingbat and Peanut, so we decided to do a love song genorator (fan art coming soon).

Our Beautiful Potatoes Love

By HJBKEA Love Song For Dingbat

This one's for you Lord McWeirdopants!

My love for you is like the most beautiful potatoes,
Your face reminds me of enhancing alpaca,
Together, we are like butterbeer and pickles.

Oh darling Dingbat,
My beautiful potatoes,
My enhancing cauliflower,
The perfect companion to my butterbeer soul.

Blood puddles are red,
Blueberries are blue,
I like the moon,
But not as much as I love singing with you!

Oh darling Dingbat,
Your big toes are like cute keys on a summer day,
You're like the most demented singer to ever walk Hogwarts.

Your enhancing alpaca face,
Your pickles soul,
Your cute big toes,
Your demented singer being...

How could I look at another when our beautiful potatoes love is so strong?

I love you Lord McWeirdopants!

And another...

Dingbat Mcweirdopants's Diary

A Warm Feeling In The Heart Romance

Dingbat Mcweirdopants is a beautiful, lovely and brave barista from the forest. Her life is going nowhere until she meets Peanut Butter, a cute, angelic woman with a passion for kittens.

Dingbat takes an instant disliking to Peanut and the distasteful and angry ways she learnt during her years in coffee shop.

However, when a thug tries to kick Dingbat, Peanut springs to the rescue. Dingbat begins to notices that Peanut is actually rather clever at heart.

But, the pressures of Peanut's job as a singer left her blind to Dingbat's affections and Dingbat takes up trees to try and distract herself.

Finally, when ugly gas station worker, Bob Er Tina, threatens to come between them, Peanut has to act fast. But will they ever find the warm feeling in the heart love that they deserve?

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