Chapter Three

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"Luke, you need to get ready so we can find out the gender today," Ashton called from outside Lukes door. 

Looking at myself in the mirror, my five month bump strained against my shirt. Rubbing it slightly, Luke smiled. Ashton once again knocked on the door while he opened it right after. As I watched his reaction from the mirror he smiled slightly.

"Ready rocky?" The childhood nickname made him smile.

"Shut up and let's go," The small smile on his face made Ashton know  Luke wasn't being mean about it. Today was the day they find out if the small human was a prince or a princess. 


"Mr. Hemmings, so good to see you again," Penny exclaimed, she sent a small smile towards Ashton as she stood next to the bed. 

Not letting anyone speak she went on, "So you are about nineteen weeks and three days, have you been doing okay? No pain right?"

"I'm doing just fine, Ashton takes good care of me," Luke stated before his shirt was pulled up.   

Penny winked at Ashton before getting ready. As he's done a few times before, Luke lays down. The gel made the younger male shiver but the heartbeat that filled the room made everyone's hearts instantly swell. 

Staring in awe, there placed on the screen was his little sweet pea.

"We wanted to find out the gender correct?" She asked as they both instantly nodded.

Luke glanced at Ashton as he was staring at the screen too. 

Penny spoke up, "Well, Luke, your baby has no problem showing off, a little girl,"

A girl. Sweet pea was gonna be a girl.

"A princess and she isn't even here yet," 


"I'm inviting Michael over again," Ashton stated, watching Luke carefully as he knows what happened last time.

"Is he your boyfriend or something?" Luke asks as he puts another handful of popcorn in his mouth. It was only one in the afternoon but roughly guessing, he's probably ate half of the food in the house. 

A knock at the door made Ashton stand up, "No Luke, and he's single," He rushed over to the door before anything could be said.  

Diverting his attention to the phone in his hand and his popcorn. Maybe if he was lucky enough, Michael wouldn't notice he was there. A hand made its way into the bowl of popcorn. Making his eyes snap away from his phone while meeting Michaels.  

"Hi Luke," He said barely above a whisper. 

Rolling his eyes, he remarked,  "I don't know who you think you are but this is my popcorn and my popcorn only," 

Michael laughed, he fucking laughed. 

"This is no funny matter, I'm eating for two if you didn't catch that," Smiling slightly  so he knew Luke was kidding around...kinda. 

He shook his head before he spoke again, "Luke, you truly are something else," Leaving it at that, he sat down next to Luke.  Ashton glanced between the two before winking at Luke. As the two played video games he kept glancing at Michael. He doesn't seem like that bad of a guy. Maybe Luke could give him a chance on being in his life. 

This story seems slow paced but its gonna come together dont worry. I hope you like it so far :)

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 07, 2017 ⏰

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