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It was darkening, darker than how it normally would be if there wasn't as much trees. The darkness gave the cabin an even more eerie vibe than it already did. Louis looked over to Niall and Liam, a fearsome expression etching onto his countenance. He swallowed down accumulated saliva from having his mouth agape.

His eyes landed on the bath tub and his stomach began to churn in disgust. He didn't have the stomach for this.

There was blood splashing calmly against the tub, as if someone was just in it. Again, his stomach twisted in a knot. It trailed down the marble of the tub and spilled onto the floor, reaching up to where the door was. Louis's jaw still hung open as he turned his body hesitantly to face the men behind him. He cleared his throat and gazed at Niall who still slightly bounced to hold in the urinate and the poop (a/n: I looked around and laughed when writing that lol.)

"Uh," he was lost for words. Instead, he settled on, "Just don't look at it," and stepped aside. Louis could feel the air thickening around him, all murky and suffocating. A gush of wind sent the hairs on his arms rising, then the door was shut with gentleness.

Niall no longer stood near the doorway and had entered the bathroom with much obliged. A sigh of relief was released through his mouth as Louis leaned himself against the wall adjacent to the bathroom. "Oh God," he heard Niall whisper a little above auditive in revulsion.

"Maybe we shouldn't have come here," Louis eyed Liam as he slowly scanned the place with cautious steps. His eyes wandered towards the Roach infested couch. Liam jumped back when one flew out from the long gash straight down the middle of the head, swatting it to Louis's way.

A shriek left his mouth when it almost landed on his nose. "Fuck, Liam!" Louis grabbed the broken frame and used it to squash the roach that crawled up the door. "What was that for?" Louis heard Niall shout from inside.

"Nothing important. Just Liam tossing bugs in my way," Louis divulged, squinting his eyes and furrowing his brows into a glare.

Water decanted into the toilet bowl filled Louis's ears, then little droplets. What made Louis more disgusted was hearing something plop into the water in the bowl. "Okay, I've heard enough," he headed towards the staircase to prop himself their, when the front door slammed shut. "What in the–"

"What just happened?" Liam glanced over at Louis with inquisitive eyes. Louis could only imagine that it was the wind that shut the door. Louis slowly made his way towards the door, soon standing right before it. His hand wrapped around the knob with delicacy, afraid it might fall off due to it being quite old. One twist to the left, then one to the right.

The door did not open. It was as if someone from the other side of the door was holding the knob to prevent from opening. It became difficult to twist the knob. Louis snapped his head around when he heard a low, deep chuckle in the air. "Did you hear that?" Louis asked Liam, feigned. Their attention was turned to the sound of locks locking and the door knob turning slowly. "Louis."

Louis, out of instinct, tried prying the door open. Again, no movement.

"I think we're locked in!" Louis rushed out in a panic.

Suddenly, the room temperature began to drop in degrees, more than it already had. Louis hugged himself to keep warm, when he heard the bathroom door shake and the knob twisting furiously.

Niall's screams filled his ears, making his blood go cold.


Niall jumped when he heard Louis's screams. Soon enough, he was on his feet, with his pants wrapped around his ankles, and tumbled towards the door, which still remained locked. In the midst of it all, he stumbled onto the door and retrieved a blow to the nose. Of course, no major injuries were made by the harsh contact, only a throbbing sensation. Louis must've whammed at the door. "What was that for?" Niall inquired while pressing his hand firmly against his pained nose.

Louis responded to his inquiry with a retort, "Nothing important. Just Liam here tossing bugs in my way." To this, Niall glowered at the door, knowing well Louis can't really see it, but didn't really much care. He had thought something terrible had happened.

He disregarded that adversity and again faced the squalid bathroom he still was in. His hands pressed against the sink when he stood before it and his eyes gazed into the mirror that contained smudges over it. Niall sighed tiredly at the sight of his eyes—dull and tired. His face pale as usual and lips as dry as a dessert. Niall felt enervated from all that walking he had done, he could use a tall glass of water and a snack to munch on.

The knobs steadily turned on their own and made a loud squeaky noise along the way. Water soon poured out through the faucet and sipped through the hole at the center of the sink. At this, Niall backed away from where he was standing and head for the door. But when he wrapped his hand around the rusty old knob and gave it a turn, it remained in its place. He did it again, but to no avail. The door stayed shut.

"Um, lads?" Niall called, still twisting the knob. He received no response, so he banged on the door. "I think the doors stuck and the sink just turned on on its own." Silence, besides the running of the water. "Hello?!" He banged harder.

The lights began to flicker above him, making his heart pound throughout his body. "Louis?! Liam?!" Niall called when the lights flickered off completely. The water overflowed and spilled onto the floor, and continued so.

Only one light shone, which was the one above the mirror. Niall could some what see his reflection, and he looked petrified. But the look only grew more fiercer when he took notice of the water—which was no longer water, but blood. A giggle sounded around him, a low one which only scared him more.

That's when he saw a disoriented, bloodied face appear in the mirror when he diverted his eyes to it and let a blood curling shout out. It had full pitch black eyes that gazed into his blue frightfilled ones, and gashes trailed over her face. Her, being that it was a young woman who stared back at Niall, with her mouth agape as a loud and horrific shriek left her.

Niall turned his body to the door and started banging harder than before and twisted the door knob aggressively. "Help! Help—oh God—help!" Niall felt as if the door was glued to the door frame, because it wouldn't budge.

"Niall!" He heard Liam and Louis both call for him.

Niall glanced back to find the girl gone and the water back to being normal. The lights flickered on and the door was flung open, leading him to fall onto whoever opened it. He was still shouting for help and crawled off and away from Louis, who was the one he had landed on.

His shouts ceased to a stop when he heard the familiar giggle in his ear. "Go away!" He cried, indignated, and fleed to the front door. "Niall–" Liam was cut short by Niall's attempts to open the door.

He fumbled with the door knob, his whole body weak from the fright he had endured. "Why won't this fucking door open–"

"Because we're locked in–"


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