Chapter 2.

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~Recap of Chapter 1.~

~Akatsuki's P.O.V~

The rest just looked up to their respective screen [the person they have to watch] and waited until nightfall to attack and retrieve the unsuspecting prey. The twins have gone to bed while the Loner is wide awake reading. Without a second thought the Akatsuki head out to retrieve the twins and the Loner before they regret going to another world, and that world is none other than





~Start of Chapter 2.~

~Loner's P.O.V~

I sat in my bed reading my horror novel trying to relax but of course, couldn't. My gut was telling me to get out of here and usually my gut is right so why not. I sighed and got up lazily from my bed, not all that bothered to hurry. I packed at least 5 jars of hearts for my travels and normal food, of course, I have to since people may get suspicious if they see me eating a heart or really just run away screaming. Whatever, I started to pack my clothing and really anything that is essential for me and then head out. I'm not really sure where to go but let's see where I end up.

I looked up to the moonlit sky that is full of stars and smile, no it's not my usual one but a soft one just knowing, that one day I will see my siblings hopefully... I face head on and start sprinting as fast as I could and jump onto people's roofs silently. I quickly put on my mask and hoodie and hid my bag. Someone is following me but just who exactly? I go off to the port and see a group of people and skid to a stop quickly taking out my scythe. I jumped into the air with my scythe over my head and slam the blade into the person's skull ruthlessly. Not looking over to the group I quickly make a run for it, sirens started to blare in the back round continuously.

I grumbled in annoyance when I spotted 4 people trailing me, wait weren't those the people who were in the group a second ago? Why the hell are they following me? Hold on a second, I can frame them for this. Sadly though I'll have to use my hearts, I hid my scythe and took out all the hearts I had accurately threw the hearts at the people. Luckily none of them dodged it so now phase 2. I jumped down into an alleyway and allowed them to corner me, the sirens are even louder now. I hid my smirk and quickly took off my mask and hoodie and pretended to act scared. The people in front of me seemed shocked. Then suddenly,

"Hold on there! Put your hands in the air now!" The officer yelled

"Officer help! It's the people who killed that group!" I shouted trying to sound helpless

I could feel the glares of the people in front of me, I smiled and then quickly was pretending to be scared. The man in the middle took a step towards me and just like that the police started shooting the 4 that were in front of me. Of course, they didn't kill them but did injure them badly, the police officers went to cuff them but I moved as fast as I could and killed them all while getting one of the officers to say to the others that everything is now under control. I walked back to the 4 and saw that they were clutching their wounds I sighed and quickly started tending to their wounds. The only ones who were awake were the fly trap dude, the ginger and the dude with a mask on. I had mine on too [the loner put it on before they killed all the police officers] and tilted my head to the side before picking up the women bridal style and off to my home.

The other three started to chase me so they could get their teammate but I just kept on speeding on ahead. By the time I got back to my front door they were at least 25 feet away from me. I unlocked my door and left it open so they could come inside. I laid the women on the couch and started packing more hearts into my bag. I knew the others finally came in so I quickly closed my door and locked it. I turned to the people and said in a scary ass voice

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