Chapter 1: Another Day

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Charlie's POV:

I turn and look at the clock and sigh. It is 4am and I've slept for I'm guessing 2 hours. Cristiano is coming home today he's been away for 2 weeks with the team on a well deserved brake. Don't get me wrong I can't wait to see my husband but I'm dreading telling him that I'm still not pregnant. We've been trying for almost a year now and nothing apart of me believes it's my age as I'm older than Cristiano. I'm 32 and he's 29 and I know that it isn't much of a difference and I know people get pregnant at 32 but it hasn't happened to me. I got out of bed and walk to the balcony the heat hit my straight away. I love being in Madrid it's so beautiful and sometimes it helps we clear my head just looking out to the streets in front of me makes me feel so happy in myself. I guess it wouldn't be a big deal if not getting pregnant is the only thing on my mind. Me and Cristiano have been arguing quite a bit lately. And also I have the pressure of putting my new album out yep I'm a singer. Everyone has named this album my comeback album so it has high expectations. I sigh

"Let the day bring what it will" I say to myself. As I make my way back to bed hopefully I will get some sleep now.

I woke at 8:30 I knew that I couldn't go back asleep again as I would have to pick hubby up from the airport at 10. So I decided to have done breakfast and then go and pick him up. Once I got to the airport I could see the paparazzi all waiting for the boys. So I put my big sunglasses on and prepared for what is about to be pandemonium. I took a deep breath and got out of the car and then the shouts started.

"Charlie Charlie"
"How's the Album going"

And so many more but one defiantly caught me off guard.

"Is it true that you and Cristiano can't get pregnant?"

How the fuck would they know that.? Me and Cristiano haven't told anyone about trying for a baby. I just kept my head down and got into the airport. Then I bumped into Jordan the wife on Sergio Ramos.

"Hiya Charl how have you been?" she questioned and pulled me into a hug. She was too happy sometimes.

"Hey I've been good you?" I pulled away from the hug and smiled.

"I've been good I bet you can't wait to have Cristiano home make up for lost time. I know me and Sergio will be" She winked at this I forced a laugh. These days it seems like whenever Cristiano and I have sex it's only to try for a baby. It's not passionate like it use to be.

"Yeah" was my simple reply and then it was announced that the boys flight landed. Within a few minutes I saw the love of my life my husband make his way to me and develop me into a hug. We said our goodbyes and got back to the car in one piece.

"How was the holiday?" I asked as I started the engine.

"Good" was Cristiano's reply was that was it nothing to keep a coco going, no kiss hello, no I missed you no nothing. We were 10 minutes into our journey when he spoke up again "well?"

"Well what?" I questioned not taking my eyes from the road.

"Are you?" I knew what he was talking about. Its like he's afraid to say it.

"No I would have told you other wise." He just mumbled a simple we try again. I don't know what it is with him. He's being so unlike his usual self he's so silent and that not Cristiano.

"What's wrong?" I ask as I am starting to get worried.

"Nothing just a little tired is all" He smiled as he said it. I know him too well I knew he was lying but I decided to leave it for now. As soon as we got it he told me.

"I'll get my suitcases later babe I'm going to bed" she was so not himself. And I'm am going to find out what it is as his wife it's my job.

___________________________ Thanks for reading next part will be more interesting I promise :-d

Madison xx

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