Chapter 4: Still Not Good Enough

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Charlie's POV:

I couldn't breathe I had to grab onto the counter for support. Tears started to form in my eyes. How could he do this to me. What have I done to deserve this. By this point I couldn't see my eyes were so blurry by the tears. I sat down on the sofa waiting for Cris to come home.

Crist walked through the door an hour later. He seemed to have had a good time with Sergio. Oh how I was going to change that when he walk in here. When he walked into the room he just looked at me.

"Charl?" He asked but I just ignored him.

"Hello?" he tried again "earth to Charlie" he was trying to bring humour into it. Which would usually make me at least smile. He sat next to me and put his arm around me but I moved away.

"Charlie what the fuck is wro..." I cut him off by holding the piece of paper in the air

"What's that?" He asked and if I wasn't mistaken he was nervous.

"Take a guess go on 3 guesses" I told him even though my heart was broken anger started to build.

"I dunno?" he started acting dumb and there is no playing dumb with me.

"Yes you do guess again" I kept pushing because I wanted him to admit it. Admit everything that he did.

"I don't know Charl stop playing these games and tell me" No he was not going to get me to tell him what he did. He will admit everything.

"You want a clue?" I asked "rock a bye baby on the tree top." He just looked at me. At point I gave up and just give him the paper. He read it and looked at me with sorrow in his eyes.

"Charl I can explain" he started

"Explain what? How your going to be a father to someone else's baby." I exploded

"It didn't mean anything" He pleaded.

"No don't give me that fucking shit okay I meant something" I spat out

"It didn't mean anything and to be honest you should have gone through my bag." What? is he actually bring serious.

"Don't you dare turn this on me I've done nothing wrong" I told him I can't believe he is turning this around on me.

"I'm just saying you wouldn't like it if I went through your bag" he said to me.

"I have nothing to hide so if you did do that then you wouldn't find anything" he knew I was right. I could tell by his face.

"Look I'm sorry okay but it didn't mean anything" he kept saying.

"Your child does mean something Crist. You have got to accept that. And take resisability for what you did" I explained to him.

"I will I love you Charl" he says to me I just look at him.

"Yeah I know" is all I said I had nothing else to say.

"Don't you love me?" he asked.

"Yeah but I don't know if I can forgive you after this." I saw tears in his eyes. And with that I left the room.


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Madison xxxx

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