After getting the rest of the bags Katelyn locked her truck and went back into the apartment. She helped her brother put away the rest of the stuff before folding the clothes she bought which was basic shirts and jeans. 

"You can have the bottom drawers in the dresser." Katelyn told her brother who nodded. She then put her clothes in the top two drawers of the dresser that was already in the room when she rented it. 

After putting all her stuff away Katelyn went back into the living room and sat down on the couch. Her brother then walked out of the bedroom holding something in his hand, "I found this slimy thing in one of the bottom drawers of the dresser Katy." Cameron said making her turn around towards him.

Katelyn froze in shock and her jaw dropped as she saw what her brother was holding, it was a condom. "Oh my god, drop that right now." She said in disgust making Cameron drop it right on the floor in front of him, he didn't understand his sister's reaction but listened to her anyways.

Once it was out of her brother's hands Katelyn immediately began laughing at how funny it was. Katelyn's sisterly humor was shining through her determination to be a guardian figure but Cameron was still confused, "I don't understand what's so funny?" He said as he looked back down at the condom laying on the floor then back up at Katelyn. 

"It's nothing Cam, just let me wipe the bottom of the drawers before you finish putting your clothes in it." Katelyn said still chuckling as she looked through the cabinets for the paper towels she bought today. 

Katelyn wiped down the drawer then threw the condom in the trash can. She shook her head at how dirty this apartment room was, but she didn't care. Katelyn was proud that she bought it from her and her dad's savings, it was their new home for now and it's all they needed. 

Right as Katelyn sat down on the couch she sighed realizing she needed to get the motorcycle out of the back of her truck before school tomorrow. Standing back up with a sigh she walked outside into the parking lot. She dropped the back of the truck and looked around for something to use as a ramp but didn't see anything around her. 

If she was going to get this out she needed help and Katelyn knew that her brother couldn't pick up a heavy motorcycle. Sighing she went to the door next to her apartment and knocked on it, an older lady opened it and Katelyn gave her a friendly smile. "Hey, I was wondering if you know anyone around here who could help me get my motorcycle out of my truck." She questioned the tan, wrinkly older woman who had wise eyes and was holding a cane.

The woman nodded which caused some of her faded brown hair to fall in her face, "Michael could help you, he lives two doors down." The old lady said as she pointed to the guy's door. Katelyn then nodded and thanked the lady before asking for her name.

"I'm Rose dear, and be careful with Michael he doesn't like strangers." The woman, who was named Rose, told Katelyn who nodded before telling the lady her name and walking to the door the lady pointed at. 

After knocking on the apartment's door a man opened it and Katelyn gave him a small friendly smile, like she gave to Rose. The man was average height and was a little stocky, so he was built and bigger. He had dirty blonde hair and gray-blue eyes. "Yes?" He asked looking Katelyn up and down in surprise, no one like Katelyn lived in the area. 

"I was wondering if you could help me get my motorcycle out of my truck." Katelyn said not even noticing the guy's stares. She forgot all about how Rose said that he didn't like strangers.

"Oh um, sure." The man said looking at her truck with his eyes raised. He would never have guessed that Katelyn would have a truck or a motorcycle. The man wouldn't have helped her if she wasn't so pretty, but Katelyn didn't realize that either.

Katelyn was used to living in a good neighborhood where everyone was nice and generous, she hasn't realized yet that this area is nothing like where she used to live. Katelyn's oblivion made her very insensible about her surroundings.

The guy then went into his apartment and came out with a long piece of wood. "I had this from replacing a wall." He explained and Katelyn nodded as they walked over to her truck. Once the board was placed Katelyn unstrapped the motorcycle and easily led it down the ramp and off her truck. 

"Thank you." Katelyn said as she rolled the motorcycle into the free parking spot next to her truck. As she looked back up at the man she noticed a scar on his jawline that she hadn't noticed before, it looked like it used to be deep but it's healed now.

"No problem, you just move in?" The man questioned and Katelyn nodded in response as she stood in front of the man now that she got her job done.

"Yeah, my name's Katelyn." She said introducing herself to the stranger who lived near her. "And the older lady, Rose, told me you were Michael." Katelyn continued so he wouldn't have to introduce himself again.

"That's me." The man said as he connected eyes with Katelyn, wondering what a girl like her was doing living here again.

Just then the door to Katelyn's apartment opened and Cameron stepped out of the apartment wondering where his sister went. "Katy you didn't tell me you were leaving!" He said as he ran up to Katelyn and hugged her waist, he was scared that she left him like their dad left them. Katelyn just smiled down at him and messed up his hair. 

"I'm fine buddy, let's go back inside." Katelyn said reassuring her brother before thanking Michael again and heading back into their apartment, she made sure she locked the door before she forgot.

Katelyn and Cameron then cooked dinner and ate a meal that didn't taste too good because of Katelyn's lack in cooking practice. They were sitting at the kitchen counter just talking and laughing for once since their father's death.

Before their father died Katelyn and Cameron didn't get along all the time, they fought over stupid things like chores and who could have control over the television. Now after their father's death they realized that they only have each other and Katelyn took up the role her father had before. All the work is on Katelyn's shoulders and she is already feeling the exhaustion after only two days, she wasn't complaining though. Katelyn's just glad that she has her brother and they're safe with a roof over their heads and food on the table, despite how bad it tastes.

Katelyn was glad she made a lot of progress today and she was really tired, she knew that she'd have to get good sleep tonight for school tomorrow. "Hey buddy I'm going to sleep, put your plate up and turn off the tv before you come in the bedroom." Katelyn said as she got up, rinsed her plate off in the sink, and made her way into the bedroom.

She changed into a pair of sweatpants she purchased earlier and climbed under the warm, clean covers she got as well. Katelyn knew that if they were going to get up early tomorrow she'd need to set an alarm so she put her phone on the charger and then turned the alarm on before climbing under the covers and going to sleep.

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