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"Alright proof," Bane rasped, "for that you'll have to un-cuff me." 

"I don't think that's such a good idea mate." Bunny grumbled towards North.

"Just do it Bunny!" Tooth shouted, scaring everyone in the room.

Bunny mumbled some unrecognizable things under his breath while fiddling with the handcuffs on Jack's wrist. When Bunny finally unlocked the handcuffs, Jack twisted his wrists around to get feeling back. 

"Hurry up, ya bloody showpony!"Bunny huffed.

Bane shot an angry look at the 6 foot rabbit in the corner before turning his gaze down to his hands. Bane started to make a snow globe in the palm of his hand. At first the guardians were very confused as to why Bane would want to give them a snow globe, but soon realized his logic in the situation.

Bane closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The guardians eyes were glued to the snow globe as a miniature scene started to play out inside. The guardians watched as a miniature jack reassured a smaller girl who was standing on a crack in Jack's lake. They continued staring as Jack hopped over to a familiar stick, and flung the girl over to the safe side of the lake. The guardians watched in horror as the miniature Jack plunged into the frozen lake, and the girl seemed to panic. They saw the girl run over to the hole Jack fell into, and then run away seemingly calling for someone. 

All the guardians looked to Bane's face twisted in concentration with sorrow dancing through their eyes. Bane gestured towards the snow globe once again and the guardians all turned their attention back down to the miniature scene. 

The scene seemed frozen for a moment as it stayed focused on the hole in the lake. Then, they thought they saw a shadow move, it was too defined to be a shadow though. It was Pitch Black.  He stepped out into the cool moonlight, and strolled over to the hole Jack was in. He seemed to announce something at the sky, and then he turned back to the boy in the frozen lake. 

The guardians could all see clearly as a wide grin spread across the Nightmare King's face, when he looked down into the hole. 

He gave a spine-chilling cackle as he slowly sprinkled some familiar black sand into the hole where Jack Frost rested peacefully.  Upon touching the icy water, the black sand formed a new layer of ice over Jack's body ... sealing his fate.

Repressed  (The second book in the Memories series)Where stories live. Discover now