Chapter 6

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"Mom..." Danny peeked his head out from underneath the blanket and he sat up, throwing the blanket off. Maddie saw that he was crying. She wrapped her arm around his shoulders as he sat on the side of the bed next to her.

"Danny boy what's wrong?"

"Danny did we say something at dinner that upset you?"

He shook his head and wiped the tears from his eyes. "Mom... Dad... I need to tell you guys something..."

"You can tell us anything Danny."

"You're our son we'll listen to whatever you have to say."

He took a deep breath "Just remember after what I tell you tonight... no matter what I still love you. Anything that you think that I have done that was wrong or evil... I was framed for it. All of it! Once I was taken over by mind control and I even hand my body taken over and I-"

"Danny what in the world are you talking about?"

He sighed "Ok here it goes... it's about my accident last year..."

That got Maddie's attention. She had always blamed her and Jack for what had happened to Danny and she was always scared that some kind of side affect was waiting to surface. Could this be it?

"Well I didn't exactly tell you everything that really happened..." he continued "Well as you know Sam Tucker and I were down in the lab and I walked into the Ghost portal before it was working. Well I told you that I had just gotten a little shock... that was a lie. What happened was much worse..." Danny thought back to the day of the accident, the day that had caused him so much pain, was he really about to reveal his secret?

"Danny... what happened?" No he had to tell them. Like Jazz said, before it was too late...

"When I was inside the portal it did something to me. It caused me to... change... it hurt. God it hurt so much! I thought I was dead! No... I was dead... I died that day. Well at least half of me did." Danny was having a hard time explaining this without making them feel too bad. He could already feel more tears starting to drip from his eyes. "That portal changed me and there is no way for me to go back to the way I was I'm sorry. So now you have a choice... you can either except me for what I am now... or..." he started to fully cry now. All the tears that he hadn't been able to cry as Danny Phantom he was finally letting out. "Or... I'll let you do whatever you want to me. You can kill me; imprison me, whatever you want! Just remember... I love you and was only trying to protect the people I cared about..."

"Danny why would we kill you?!"

"We would never hurt you no matter what you've done!"

"Why would you think we would do that?"

"This..." Maddie pulled her arm of his shoulder in shock as two white rings formed around his waist. They split apart as one traveled down to his legs. Jack and Maddie watched in awe as his blue jeans turned into the bottoms of a black and white hazmat suit. Then the second one traveled up towards his head. His white t-shirt turned black and the red oval in the center turned into a whit 'DP'. Finally it travelled up to his head.

Danny hung his head in shame as the ring finished his transformation and turned his hair white. He refused to meet his parents eyes because he knew they would be angry at him. he held his knees as he looked down at the floor with tears dripping down his nose. "You always said you wanted to capture Danny Phantom well..." he finally faced them with tears streaming down his face. "Here I am..."

He looked over at Jack who was completely dumfounded. When he looked at Maddie he saw that she had her hand over her mouth in shock and the faintest trace of a tear in her eyes. "D-Danny...?"

He bowed his head again "I am Danny Phantom and I give you permission to do whatever you want to me. I'm sorry that this is how it has to end..."

He looked up and closed his eyes waiting for the worst to come. But... he felt a soft hand wipe the tears away from his eyes. Wait... what...? They then moved to his hair but he didn't dare open his eyes. They gently moved their fingers through his hair and combed it in an almost loving way. Could he have been wrong about how his parents would react?

He finally opened his eyes when he heard crying... "Danny I'm so sorry...!" he looked to see his mom weeping in front of him all while she kept a hand tangled in his hair. "Not only is all of this our fault but we tried to hurt you... No! We tried to kill you! Then we never stopped talking about how we were going to dissect you... we're such horable parents!"

Even Jack was crying at this point "If I hadn't built that stupid portal... none of this would have happened!"

"No wait..." Danny felt bad for making them cry now. For once he actually wished they had killed him 'cause that would have been easier than trying to cheer them up! "Sure my powers can be a pain sometimes..." Jack and Maddie watched as he formed a small ecto flame in his hand "But they can also be really great..." the flame started to turn blue and became colder it then froze into an ice diamond that he unconsciously twirled in his hand. "For the first time in... well forever actually... I can say that I am proud of who I am. I help people... even though a lot of people don't see that. So... I'm glad I'm the way I am..."

Danny flinched when Maddie suddenly lunged at him. to his surprise it wasn't an attack but instead she wrapped him in a hug. "Danny I love you so much! I'm so sorry for everything we did to you... Can you please forgive me?!"

Jack quickly got up and joined the hug "Please forgive me too!"

Danny smiled as now tears of joy slipped from his eyes. He returned the hug. "Of course I forgive you! I love you mom and dad... I'm just happy I told you. Before it was too late..."

(A/N - Well guys that's the end. :) Thank you so much for reading. I hope you liked it. :) Bye!) 

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