Chapter 2

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Danny quickly jumped and started freaking out "Tell mom and dad my secret?! That's crazy! They already want to rip my ghost half apart molecule by molecule! Why give them the perfect opportunity to do it?!"

"Danny calm down..." Jazz sighed "I didn't say it would be easy. But I do think it would help. By telling them it would show them the mistake they have been making for the last year and they would except you. Danny they really do love you and they would never do anything to harm you on purpose even if you are half ghost."

Danny shook his head "No Jazz I can't do it. Everything is fine right now. I know they're going to figure it out eventually so why ruin the time I have now?"

Jazz just shook her head "Danny I'm afraid that if you wait too long then... it might be too long..." Now it was Jazz's turn to let a tear fall. "Danny what happens if they don't find out your secret until you're laying on top of a dissection table?" Danny's face showed no emotion as he thought over what she was saying. Jazz plastered a smile onto her face and put her arm around Danny's shoulders. "Just think about what I've said. I'm not saying you need to tell them immediately just... make it sooner than later ok?" Danny nodded and she ruffled his hair "Have a good day at school!"

Only when she walked away did he notice they had stopped in front of his school, Casper High. "Sooner than later... hmm..."

~time skip~

"Hey Danny!"

"How's it going?"

Danny closed the door of his locker to see his two best friends, Sam and Tucker, standing there. Danny sighed as he put his books in his backpack "Hey guys. I'm doing ok."

"Did something happen?" Sam's face filled with worry.

"Ya dude what's wrong?" Tucker also became concerned.

"Well..." Danny started "Jazz thinks it would be a good idea to tell my parents my secret..."


"She said that she's afraid that if I don't tell them now one of these days they'll catch me and I won't be able to tell them then..." he rubbed the back of his neck "What do you guys think I should do?"

Sam bit her lip "Well... Jazz does have a point there..."

Tucker joined in "It would be kind of hard to convince them of who you really were once they had already caught you..."

Danny sighed "I was afraid you guys would say that..."

"So... what do you think you're going to do?"

He shook his head "I don't know yet."

Tucker put a hand on his shoulder "Whatever happens dude we'll always be here for you no sweat!"

Sam nodded "You're our friend Danny. If for some reason things don't go as planned Tucker and I will be right here when you need us."

A faint smile appeared on his face "Thanks guys... you're the best..."

"And don't you forget it!" Tucker exclaimed "We should get some kind of award for being the best friends in the universe! Well... I defiantly should... I'm not so sure about Sam, she can be a bit violent..."

She quickly slapped on the back of the head "I'm a way better friend to Danny than you are!"

"See what I mean?! Violent! You say one wrong think and you get a boot to the face! A steal toed boot mind you!"

"Oh shut it Foley! All you ever do is blabber on about your precious technology! Why would anyone ever want to be friends with you?!"

"Don't insult Lola! She's my newest PDA! It's ok Lola I won't let mean old Sam lay one finger on you..."

Sam rolled her eyes as he caressed his newest piece of technology "I'm surrounded by complete idiots!"

Danny continued to smile as the bickered all the way into Mr. Lancer's classroom. He really did have the best friends in the world. Now what to do about his parents...

(A/N - Hey guys! :) So here's chapter 2. I hope you liked it! :) 'See' you next weekend!) 

Secrets Revealed... Before It Is Too Late (A Danny Phantom Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now