2. Where Am I?

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  I stand in an underwater palace. For a second, I panic, but then I realize I can breathe.

  I'm at the end of a long hallway. At the other end, there are two large doors.

  I was in the middle of an enormous throne room. There's a large, empty throne before me. Schools of fish swim around, and one passes by me. I reach out, but the fish don't flinch. On the contrary, it seems as if they are coming closer, like they are interested in me. I cock my head to the side, taking in my surroundings.

    Kaitlyn, a voice boomed, echoing throughout the room. I looked around, trying to pinpoint the source.

    Welcome home, the voice continued.

  Home? I thought. I haven't had a real home since- no. Stop it, Kaitlyn. This is probably just a dream or something.

  Yes, home, the voice responded, reading my thoughts.

  A man appeared in front of me, sitting on the throne. He looked middle-aged, maybe forty. Yet he was strikingly handsome, with dark, messy hair and piercing sea green eyes. His Hawaiian shirt flowed in a nonexistent wind. He wore khakis and flip flops. A large bronze trident rested against the throne, next to him. The man casually crossed his legs and leaned over to put his elbows on his leg, propping his chin up in his hands.

  "So, how's my daughter?" he asked nonchalantly. My mouth parted in shock, and I was whisked away from the underwater world.

  I stood in a large grande room. Everything was dark: the furniture, the walls, even the fire danced with a grim light.

  A man, clad in black, melted out of the shadows. He glided towards me. He stopped midway and sat on a black leather chair.

  "So, Kaitlyn, how much did my brother tell you?" he inquired.

  My head spun.

  I stood on the top of the Empire State Building. My shirt billowed around my torso, and my dark, curly hair whipped around my face.

  There was a crack of lightning, and I stood before a man. His electric blue eyes bore into mine. I froze, my entire body rigid, intimidated to no end by this man. He held a lightning bolt in each hand. They crackled and sparked, alive with energy. My eyes shifted nervously to them. I looked back up at the man's face, immediately wishing I hadn't. Our eyes locked again.

  "I assume Hades and Poseidon told you?" He looked at me expectantly. I gulped and shook my head a little too quickly.

  He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Of course not. Listen carefully, we don't have much time-"

  I narrowed my eyes. Confusion swept over me like a wave, then pulled me under, drowning me.

  I couldn't breathe.

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