March 15, 2014 | part one

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Short but whatevs, I'm updating all day.

 Faye --------------------->


“How we need another soul to cling to.” 

― Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath

 Aura made her leave of the Leroux house after saying her goodbyes, thank yous for letting her stay, and promises to come back soon. She had just opened the door of her car when Faye pulled into the driveway. And boy was Christie right, the woman looked downright pissed. Even more so than she usually did.

 Faye got out of her car as soon as it parked, the only blimp in her deathly calm, the loud slam of the car door echoing through the quiet night. She strode over to where Aura paused to lean against the door of her car, anger in every fiber of her being, Aura could feel it radiate off of her.

 Aura saw the punch coming and yet she let it happen without a flinch, her head snapping to the side from the force of it. She didn’t know why she didn’t stop it, maybe because she deserved it. She didn’t have time to react before Faye’s hand was gripping at her throat, pinning her back against the car as she stepped forward, pressing her body into Aura’s.

 Her light brown eyes bore into Aura’s, filled with a hatred that Aura had only once seen before, in Aaron’s eyes.

  A flicker. The want to fight back.

 Aura held back, her jaw clenching along with her hands as she forced herself to stay in the uncomfortable position and take in the waves of anger.

 “Now you listen here, Winters,” Faye’s voice was a growl as she barely reigned in her anger. Her eyes slowly, but noticeably, grew darker until they were an almost black.

  Aura noted the slight change in the color of Faye’s hair too. Her eyes narrowed.

 “I am in love with Jared and I always have been, and while I have accepted the fact that he will never love me the way that he loves you,” Her voice shook, tears shining in her eyes as her eyes started to grow lighter. Aura could feel her pain almost as if it was her own. “I will not sit and let you hurt him like this.” Her grip tightened on Aura’s neck.

 “Now I will say this once and once only, if you continue to hurt Jared like this, I will hurt you ten times more than you are doing to him! Do you hear me? I don’t care if you’re some savior,” She spat out the word. “I will reign hell on this Earth if you do not fix what you started! Please,” Her voice was suddenly quiet as her hand slid from Aura’s neck before she turned as if all of her anger had dissipated. “Please stop hurting him.”

   Aura was left to stare in a strange calm as a heartbroken Faye, left.

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