December 31, 2015

100 7 2

P r o l o g u e 

 “If there is one thing that I have learnt in my life -however short- is to not blink because the second you open your eyes, everything will have disappeared. Life is too short to miss anything and the truth is that you will wake up and you will regret all the moments that you let it slip through your fingers because you did not appreciate them. Believe me; a year goes by faster than you may think. So just remember: Do not blink, it may be your last year on Earth.

       Better luck next time.


                                                Your favorite destroyer, Aura.” 


Cover to the side is made by the lovely @redhead499 check out her works :D

 Thanks for reading! Stay awesome <333

Don't BlinkDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora