Once he finds out about me.

"Hey Riley, our seats are 4b and 4c." Colby says to me.

"Okay, I call the window seat!"

He playfully rolled his eyes.

I need something to distract me from reality.

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to JetBlue airlines. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 49B to Florida. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately ten minutes time. Thank you." I hear the flight attendant say before looking at Colby.

"You ready?" He asks me.

I nod.

"Let's do it."

Here we go.


After a 5 hour flight, we finally landed in Florida.

I stretched my legs out as Colt walked up next to me.

"Do we have to get a hotel? Or...?" Colby asked because he was about to order an Uber but we don't even know where we're going yet.

"Uh, ya, I uh- I know a hotel that we can stay at." I replied as I massaged my temples. I was starting to get a headache.

Colby nodded.

"It's the Marriott." I added.

He looked at me.

"Isn't that expensive?" He asked.

"Eh, it's-" I thought for a second,"it's fine, just order the Uber."

"Okay, what's the address?" He asked.

I told him the address and he ordered the Uber. We sat down in the benches outside of the airport and waited.

It was really early in the morning so there less people than usual at the airport. We were the only ones outside.

"Riley," Colby broke the silence.

"Hm." I replied and looked at him.

"I have a few questions, like, how long are we staying here? How much is the hotel? How-" I cut him off.

"Colby, I'm not sure how long we're staying here, a week at the most though, and don't worry about the hotel, because I'm paying for it."

"A-are you sure?" He asked.

"That I'm gonna pay for the hotel? Yes."

"Okay." He replied and went back to scrolling on his phone.

"How much longer until the Uber gets here?" I asked.

"45 minutes."

I groaned.

"Okay, I have to go the bathroom." I said as I stood up. "Watch my stuff."

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