Chapter 3

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It was the 1st September and Kings Cross train station in London was packed with muggles and wizards. Harry, Ron and Hermione were pushing their trolleys with all their stuff for Hogwarts on one of the trolleys they got each at the entrance. Hermione looked over her shoulder to make sure no muggles had stopped behind them and could see them go through the wall on to platform 9 ¾. Hermione saw Draco, he was smiling at her. She slowed down so he could catch up but remembered Harry and Ron did not know about Draco and her relationship. Ron saw Draco and glared at him.

“Hermione, you go first,” harry said to her, “Hermione!”

“Yes,” Hermione replied eventually.

"You go first,” Harry repeated himself wondering why she did not listen the first time.

Hermione ran at the pillar between platform 9 and platform 10. She went through the brick work and landed on platform 9 ¾ the secret platform for wizards to get on the train to Hogwarts. As she turned her trolley round the big red train came in to view. It had ‘the Hogwarts Express’ in gold letters down the side. The train was waiting with all its coaches behind for the witches and wizards to get on. Harry was now on the platform too, so they both took their bags to the luggage coach at the other end of the train, and went off to find an empty cabin for the three friends. Ron was putting his bags on the train when Draco was walking towards his.

“Malfoy, why were you smiling at Hermione?” Ron asked in an overprotective way.

“I was not, I was looking at Crabbe and Goyle,” Draco replied glaring at Ron.

“Yes you were,” Ron said as he swung round, “you were smiling at her.”

“NO I WAS NOT WEASLEY,” Draco shouted at Ron.

Then Draco walked off to join Crabbe and Goyle on one of the carriages. Ron had a feeling something was not right. Ron went towards the door to the coach that Harry and Hermione had gone through to get a seat. Ron found the cabin that Harry and Hermione were in and Ron went to sit next to the window and next to Harry. Hermione was sitting on the other side. Hermione was thinking about what would happen if Ron and harry found out about her and Draco’s relationship. She was looking out into the corridor and saw Draco, Crabbe and Goyle open the door.

“Can we please sit in here, everywhere else is full,” Draco asked, “Ohhhh no, we will keep looking, don’t want to sit here.”

“GOOD!” Ron shouted as they walked off to find a seat.

Hermione turned and looked out the window, she knew Draco wanted to sit with them, but he shouldn’t. Ron looked at Hermione. He knew something was not right. Harry saw a trolley with lots of sweets on it and a pile of newspapers that was called the daily profit.

“Anything from the trolley dears,” a small lady said who pushed the trolley down the train

“Can I get the daily profit, please,” harry replied.

She past one of the newspapers to harry, and then walked off. Harry read the first title to Ron and Hermione.


“Take a guess who wrote that,” Ron said after Harry finished.

Hermione turned and looked at Ron. She raised her eyebrows at him and then gazed back out the window. The train was almost at Hogwarts, it was 4.30pm and they got there at 4.50pm. Ron and Harry went off to find their uniform and get changed into it. Hermione waited in the cabin so nobody could get it if the three of them were getting changed. Hermione stood up to find her uniform in her bag that sat above her. Draco went past as he went to get changed into his Slytherin uniform, he slowly opened the door. Hermione stopped. She heard him come in and turned around and saw him.

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