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It was slightly awkward on the way back but we managed. Mickey and Monica wanted to sleep together but with one glare from Austin, Mickey shut his mouth and we went into our cabins.

It took me forever to fall asleep. I shouldn't be feeling this way. I should hate him but I can't. He put me through so much but I just can't help wanting to go back to him. I know he wasn't Clarence and I know he has feelings for me. And I know I have feelings for him so why was it so difficult for me to admit them? Why did I have to be so stubborn?

The next day I put on a light blue bikini with a sun shirt and shorts over the top. We went to the boat rental and rented our kayaks.

   "It's so beautiful out today." I said as we got in them and started paddling to the spring.

      "It is. Guys there's also a rock so you can jump off into the spring." Monica added. The boys looked at each other and shared a mischievous smile.

     It was a quick paddle to the springs but it was beautiful. On three sides it was surrounded by woods and then of course the little river leading back out to the lake. There was the rock Monica talked about and then a  sandy little beach where we banked our kayaks. The boys immediately went into the water while Monica and I set out some towels and the cooler filled with food and drinks.

     "So how did the talk go?" She asked as we laid down our towels in a sunny spot. I shrugged.

     "It went okay. He knows practically everything and still asked if I would consider. I told him I would think about it." I mumbled, sparing a glance at a now shirtless Austin. Oh boy.

     "You didn't say yes?" She asked, pulling off her shirt that hid her bathing suit.

      "I didn't want to have to make that decision right then and there. I was upset still and I didn't want to throw myself into something again." I said. She nodded and laid down on the towel, I followed suit and started putting my sunscreen on.

    "Well how did he react to what Clarence....did?" She pushed a little more. She's always been nosy, especially about my relationships, but I don't mind. It's just more advice she can give me.

     "He told me he would kill him if he ever tried to get near me again." I murmured. Her eyes widened as she snapped up from her laid out position.

      "And you still told him you had to think about it? Girl that man is madly in love with you." She explained, looking between me and Austin who was tackling Mickey into the water.

     "I know. I just have to make sure I'm ready and that he knows it's not gonna be a cake walk." I sighed, knowing he doesn't know what he's getting himself into.

     "I get it. Kinda off topic but do you still get the nightmares?" She asked, popping her sunglasses on her nose.

     "Yes. Not as bad though but they're still pretty much nightly." I mumbled, finishing coating everything in sunscreen that I could reach. "Hey can you put sunscreen on my back?" I asked Monica. The boys were making their way back to us, probably just wanting a drink.

     "Ugh but it gets my hands so slimy." Monica whined.

      "Well it keeps me from getting sun cancer so suck it up." I laughed at her lame excuse. Right then the boys reached us and she popped up like a spring flower.

      "Austin! Can you come and rub sunscreen on Lily's back? I don't want to get my hands all slimy." She chirped. My eyes nearly popped out of my head and I'm glad I was wearing sunglasses cause he was looking at me.

    "Uh, sure. I mean as long as that's okay?" He asked. Dang it why does he have to be such a gentlemen?

     "It's fine." I grumbled, standing up and making sure I kicked extra sand on Monica. She grunted something before dusting herself off.

   I handed him the bottle and turned around, flinching when the cold sunscreen hit the small of my back. He went quickly, rubbing it all in in less than a minute. With one last rub on my shoulder he dropped his hand and I heard the lid being shut.

    "Thank you." I said softly turning around to grab the bottle. He was obviously flustered, not meeting my eyes and his cheeks were tinged pink. He simply nodded and followed a snickering Mickey back into the water.

     "I am so close to drowning you." I muttered to Monica who just laughed. 

   After getting plenty of sun we decided to take a little dip in the cold water. It was freezing so we only stood where it reached our knees. But the boys had a better idea.

   "Put me down Mickey!" Monica squealed as Mickey sloshed deeper in the water. Before I could even think of running back to shore Austin already had me scooped up in his arms.

    "Austin Jones don't you dare." I warned, squirming and trying to free myself. He laughed and held me closer. I heard a scream as Monica was dumped in and dread filled me.

     "Austin." I warned. But he just kept on sloshing. The water was belly button deep on him now and was just brushing my butt. I saw their was a ledge before a steep drop off where Monica was fuming.

    "Don't do it Aust-" I was cut off by my own yelp as he tossed me, the cold water knocking the air out of my lungs. I wanted to go back up but I knew I could play a prank. I swam low and headed for some rocks to the right of everyone before popping up behind them.

    I knew Monica saw me because she casually winked at me before whispering my whereabouts in Mickey's ear. He caught my eye and suppressed a smile. I then looked at Austin, watching his smile fade into terror before he dove in, no doubt trying to find me. His head whipped up, his hair matted to his forehead.

    "Where the hell is she?" Mickey asked, playing along.

     "Can she swim?" Austin asked Monica. She looked deep in thought before she shook her head no.

     "Shit why didn't you tell me!" Austin exclaimed as he splashed around, looking in the dark water for any sign of me.

    I stood up and burst out laughing. His head snapped towards me as his shoulders visibly relaxed.

    "I'm sorry...that was...your face...priceless." I said between laughing fits. Monica and Mickey joined in but Austin still looked upset.

     "Come on, lets have lunch." Mickey said, still laughing as he wrapped an arm around Monica and started walking towards the beach.

      As I made my way following them Austin caught up to me, not talking with his head down low. I took a glance and saw that he was really upset still.

    "Hey it was just a joke." I said smiling up at him. He looked at me, his face completely serious. My smile faded. "Come on Austin, I was kidding. If I knew it would upset you this much I wouldn't have done it. I'm sorry." I said, placing a hand on his forearm. He didn't say anything just pulled away from me. He was pissed. I sighed and grabbed his hand with the both of mine, pulling him to a stop.

    "I'm sorry." I mumbled, trying to get him to look at me. He didn't but I saw something, the slightest of smiles. He was kidding. I gasped and pulled my hands away.

    "Austin Jones you sneak!" I exclaimed, putting my hand on my hip. He bursted out laughing.

    "I know I'm sorry. I just wanted to get back at ya. You scared the crap out of me Lily." He sighed, wrapping his arms around my waist. It took me aback for a second but I recovered quickly.

    "Sorry." I smiled up at him which he returned. He turned, keeping an arm around my waist as we walked back up to have lunch.

Cowgirl Soul (second book in Cowgirl Ways series) Where stories live. Discover now