1. Balance

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"No, no, no." Levi sighed shaking his head in disapproval at Eren as he continued practicing his balance between the trees. It was enough to pass the cadets training but he still needed a lot of work if he wanted to successfully use his ODM gear to the best of his ability, and who better to teach him than Levi Ackerman; a master in the craft. Since Eren was no longer a threat to mankind and was trusted among the authorities, he could get some actual training in before the next expedition mission.

Eren's eyes snapped to his captain when he heard his voice, frowning when he heard the aggravation in Levi's voice. "Huh? Did I do something wrong sir? I thought I was-"

"Your posture is completely wrong. One wrong move and you're Titan food, honestly what the hell are they teaching you all in the cadet corps these days?" Levi walked over behind Eren kicking his feet farther apart, making him lose balance and land face first in the dirt. "See what I mean? So much as shift your hips the wrong way and you're dead."

Eren groaned and got up from the ground rubbing his cheek, "Well what am I supposed to do then sir? Teach me how to properly use this gear- the way you do- I want to be of the most use for the Scouts as I can."

Levi raised an eyebrow at that, "It'll take more than a day to even come close to understanding the technique I use if that's what you're aiming for."

"Then teach me" Eren smiled excited at just the thought of being trained by his legendary superior, "Be my coach, be my leader, show me how it's done. I don't care how hard it is just give me a chance to learn it."

Levi uncrossed his arms and walked past Eren tossing him his jacket, "If you're actually that interested, then we meet here. At the break of dawn, everyday. No exceptions and no excuses." He took a few more steps to leave but paused looking over his shoulder at Eren, "You up for that, Jaeger?"

Eren grinned and saluted his captain, "Yes sir! I'm willing to learn everything you want to teach me."

"Good. Start by practicing here for a bit longer, I'll be back and I want improvement by the time I arrive again."

"Wait sir, shouldn't you show me what to do? So I know what to practice?" Eren asked, Levi turned and walked back over to him placing a hand on his hip, and the other adjusted his legs. Eren froze when Levi took hold of him, blushing slightly and his heart began to pound in his chest at his stern leader's gentle touch, until...


Levi adjusted Eren's body properly and let go, when he did Eren fell again, obviously not concentrating on how his body should be positioned. Levi sighed in annoyance and walked away leaving Eren on the ground, "Figure it out yourself. I showed you, now just keep your body the way it was before you fell and you'll be fine."

Eren got up and continued to practice, hoping to make Levi happy if he learned what to do before he got back.

Eren's POV

I woke up the next morning just as Captain Levi instructed me to do. I was still extremely tired from the day before and my limbs were sore from falling so much, it was a struggle to even keep my eyes open and get ready for the day, I even messed up the straps on my outfit twice in the process of getting ready but eventually I met Levi in our training location.

"You're late." Levi's voice stated as I approached, I looked up and he was in one of the trees.

"O-oh.. I am?" I looked around at the sky, I guess I am a bit late.... "S-Sorry sir it won't happen again!" I yelled up to him giving him a salute.

"That's enough, stop shouting, it's too early for that right now." Levi jumped down from the tree and walked over to me, there was something about the way he looked in the dim lighting that was... really attracting my attention.

If you can't tell already, yes I am attracted to my superior. I know, I know yell at me all you want but I can't help it, and it's not like it gets in the way of my duties. It just... happened, I mean who hasn't fallen for Levi Ackerman at one glance, right?

I guess it's no surprise either, Armin and Jean are fully aware of how I feel for Captain Levi. Armin Arlert is a great bestfriend and keeps my secret a secret from the others, on the other hand, Jean Kirschtein is a egotistical, horse-faced bastard who makes fun of me every chance he gets for it since he stumbled upon the information. I mean at least he keeps it quiet and just messes with me when no ones around... still it's annoying.

"Eren, you paying attention?" Levi's voice snapped me from my thoughts

"Y-yes sir, every word." I stuttered accidentally, he knew I didn't know what he was taking about.

Levi crossed his arms in his usual disappointed fashion and looked me dead in the eyes, fully aware I wasn't listening. "Good, then what did I just say about operating the gear and conserving your gas usage?"

I gulped, "I'm sorry sir I didn't catch that part..."

Levi groaned and kicked my feet out from under me, it wasn't exactly an usual response when training. "Then get your head out of the clouds and focus, if you want to learn this you need to focus."

Focus... right. Focus! I need to pay attention to him, he's taking time out of his busy day to teach me this skill, I should be honored. I shouldn't just slack off or due the bare minimum, I need to show him my absolute best!

I smiled and stood up straight giving him my full undivided attention, "I'm ready, I'm listening sir."

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