"I woke up"

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I abruptly woke up from my sleep.

I nudge my eye balls trying to stop myself from crying.

Y/n:"Ugh..don't cry..please...be strong."

I said to calm myself.

I was sleeping in a inn in Windhelm. The place was gloomy and "people " that look different from human.

Got treated like dirt.

I though about how nice elves were treating me. And I calm myself down.

So it was real..she was there.

Hearing that stupid name back in that time ? How?

Is she inside me now?

Is she trying to take over me?

Is my purpose in this world is to be her vessel?

Fuck that.

I got off the bed,payed the lady and look around Windhelm for a body guard.

And I am back! I'll continue only if you comment and only if you subscribe to my channel.

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