Pregnancy scare.....

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A few days pass after the incident....I kept my door lock and I only let Babette in to bringing me food and a bucket to take a bath.

Wash,after wash...I've never felt clean. I could still see the marks he has left me. And it hurt when I sat down or I would go to the bathroom.

That fucking bastard. Oh how I hated him. He ruin me,tainted me. No matter what I did. I would still be trap here.

I wouldn't speak to Babette in what I'm thinking but I'm sure she knew what happened.

Couple days ago I over heard Nazir and Cicero speaking outside my door. Nazir was worried,wondering why the Listener wouldn't leave her room. Then Cicero explain what happened.

Slowly but surely Nazir heard every last word and acknowledge every part. But he was angry.

I heard fists hitting a skull. And as I open the door a bit to see what was happening.

Nazir was on the ground ontop of Cicero giving him a hell of a beating. I shut my door quickly before he even saw me.

Nazir cursed the keepers name. And walk away furiously down the hall.

After that day,I haven't heard Cicero coming to my door or Babette has spoken about his name.

Something surely must've happened.

But I can't focused in that now. I lay on my desk,listening to The Night Mothers new orders.

I told Babette and she would write it for me.

After the orders were done and filled she would send them off and leave me alone for the rest of the day and send me meals.

I'm sure I am pregnant.

I thought to myself.

There's no fucking way I wouldn't.

I hug myself knowing if I get pregnant my life would be over as i know it.

I cry softly trying to figure out,what I would do. I'm scared. I feel so alone. I got no one to trust or to be with me that I know.

I wish I could go back. I wish I hadn't confessed to him who I was. I wish I had run. I wish I hadn't stayed frozen stiff there. Help me...Help me please.

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