Arent i a killer?

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Cicero:"Why yes! But we are more then that!"

Cicero dance around me.

Cicero:"The Night Mother tell us who needs someone dead badly ,when that person communicates with her through the Black Sacrament! It is not mere gossip! It is the Black Sacrament ! And we do those deeds for gold! The Dark brother hood is more than just a gang of killers! We are skilled assassins !"

I turn around ,not to face Cicero anymore. I couldn't believe it. I am an important part of the organization...But how did they live long enough without a Listener ? He said the Listener died a few years ago...gossip? Is gossiping is how they live?

I think I understand why Cicero wanted a Listener badly.

"Listener...another contract."

Said The Night Mother.

I sigh heavily,and heard her carefully.

Cicero look at me confused. And Night Mothers voice faded away. I turn to look at Cicero.

Y/n:"Another one,including two murder."

I said already exhausted.

Cicero clap his hands together,and shuffle his feet.

Cicero:"We are busy!!"

He applaud.

I just roll my eyes.

I think I was getting annoyed by Cicero..I think.

Y/n:"Maybe..I should write them down..And you could give them to...the workers."

Cicero smiled and hand me an ink well,a feather and a piece of roll paper.

Man the materials of this time are bad. I could barely write it by myself.

So I gave it to Cicero and he end up writing the orders in.

I couldn't help but to feel....guilty.

I don't know if this time had news papers,and had the head lights with the dark brotherhood killings. But it seemed like news travel by tongue,not on social media.

My phone got destroyed. But is not like it was getting any use any way.

I'm...I'm coping my fear by considering this...not real.

I already miss my friend. And I'm already missing Mister Sanchez... I feel guilty for the math teacher.

And I feel like I'll never go back home.

That man. Cicero. He has that ring still on his index finger.

He seems he is attach to it.  It is a beautiful ring. And in my time it could cost millions. While in his time,money is gold coins.

I really don't understand laws of here. But I know what they are doing is illegal.

I got arrested for nibbling on food for Christ sake!

I just sat down in front of the coffin.

The Night Mother seem hesitant to tell me several orders out by the hour. It was starting to pile up the orders. We have already send 4 dark brother hood initiatives out,and they have taken 2 orders each.

You do the math.

For now,The Night Mother was done spilling out the orders.

And Ciceros fingers finish writing it down.

He was happy. Clearly receiving orders from his matron made him happy.

But I wasn't happy. It seem too much for me. And 18 year girl. A murder?

I don't think this is me at all!

I came from a world of weak,and controlled. But now,I'm free. And weird.

Y/n:"Cicero...have you ever been arrested ?"

Cicero turn to look at me. And smile.

Cicero:"Who hasn't?"

He squeak.

I stood up and answer frankly.

Y/n:"But I haven't!"

Cicero stick his tongue out and walk up to me and hit me with a roll of paper on my head.

Cicero:"You can't fool me,Listener! You stole food from those Khajits!"

I rubbed my head.

Y/n:"I..I know that...But I meant in my world! I never had broken the law!"

Cicero hug the rolls of paper filled with orders tightly.

Cicero:"I..I know that. But Skyrim has pop your cherry! So you can't say you haven't been arrested."

I murmured some curse words. Because I was frustrated and mad.

My perfect record. Tainted. Why me?


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