That little lull apparently gave the man enough time to finish his business. He stood up, belted and zipped his pants, then began to walk away. When he took the second step, Dalbott fired at the man's rear end.

Not a sound was made, and the Captain could see he had put the tranquilizer round right in the guy's rump. The man fell immediately. He trotted towards the prone target while his Company formed a semi-circle facing north. The man was deep in sleep by the time Dalbott got there.

He secured the rifle from the man, and also found a sidearm similar to a Sig Sauer in his back belt buckle. He found two plastic restraints, and put them on the man's feet, and secured his hands behind him.

He was pretty sure that no one else was in the area, but he still didn't want to raise his voice. He could make out a Raptor just to his West, about two thousand yards away. "Command, Tenth Delta, we have a prisoner that has been tranquilized and secured, requesting Raptor retrieval", and he gave the coordinates.


Back in the command post, a Colonel plotted the coordinates and looked on his Dradis for the nearest Raptor. "Raptor 89, Ground Command, secured prisoner needs pick up", and he repeated the coordinates.

Starbuck heard their Raptor Call Sign, and immediately responded, "Copy Ground heading to the rendezvous, be there in thirty seconds."

"Maybe we can get some information out of this fucker, Adm...uh, Captain", Kelsey Graham caught herself. Starbuck smiled.

"Couldn't have said it better myself, Blondie", and she headed her bird into the clearing.

Thirty seconds later she had her Raptor facing to the West, to keep the hatch door away from any unfriendly eyes that might be lurking to the North. She opened the hatch and saw a Colonel standing in front of him. The Colonel recognized her immediately.

"Admiral Thrace-Bond?" he said in wonder. "If I may ask, what in the bloody hell are you doing here." That made Kara grin.

"For now Colonel I'm only a Captain, and I'm here to help us get my little brother and his mates home." The smiled faded.

"Well get him, sir", he saluted, and Starbuck returned the favor, closing the hatch behind her.


Starbuck and her Raptor crew delivered the unconscious prisoner to the Adama. He'd be medically checked out and when he came to would be allowed to be cleaned up and fed, then grilled for information on what The Fleet was up against.

Her father had arrived back on the ship just after she had started her SAR mission and since he had been up all night, he was currently sleeping. Kara called her mother in their VIP quarters asking how her father was.

"He's pretty tired Kara", Judy Bond said honestly. "He was very wound up all night and just couldn't close his eyes. He's been asleep for about five hours, and I was planning to wake him soon."

"Any nightmares today?"

"Part of me would have expected one, after all the craziness surrounding Nick, but he's slept like a baby." For which Judith was extremely grateful.

"OK, when he wakes up, he'll want to know we have a prisoner, and as soon as he's awake and alert, we're going to try to get information out of him." Starbuck could almost feel the alarm in her mother over the phone line. She had told her parents long ago about her interrogation of Leoben on the Gemenon Traveller, how she had tortured him, and how Laura Roslin had killed him.

Part 5 Battlestar Galactica: Back To The Colonies: HomecomingsWhere stories live. Discover now