Queen of the Enemy ➺ [2]

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"Give it up already. Nobody wants you. Go back, then I can go off on my own again." Troy told me without feeling. He looked at me like I was an unwanted stranger.

I then realized my true feelings. I would always come back to him.

"Do you. . . really not want me here?" My voice was competing with the wind and it sounded weak even to me.

"Is there another reason you're here?" He just stared at me, with his mouth in a straight line.

"I. . ." I only wanted to stay with you.


"It doesn't matter what I say. You'll only-" I felt tears prick my eyes and I blinked them away before he could see. "Do what you want! I don't care anymore!" I shouted and shoved passed him.

No matter where I went, I was always sent away.

Troy didn't let up as he caught my wrist and tried to hold me still.

"Let go!" I commanded. He only gripped my wrist tighter and I tried to land a blow on his stupid face.

"I hate you, I hate you, I hate-"

My eyes widened to their full extent as Troy pressed his lips to mine.


171K Reads 8.7K Votes 28 Part Story

By FifthAngeI


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