Part 6

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He spent a few hours leading my fingers across the paper and explaining what each bundle of bumps meant. The way he tenderly moved my hand and softly spoke when telling the story comforted me. The book was about how a young girl got in adventures with her shapeshifting pet. By the time we finished reading the chapter, i had gotten used to most of the alphabet and it was early evening.

"Perfect! You're a very fast learner, Angela!" He exclaims once i read the last line of text without his help. I feel my cheeks warm up and smile to myself.
Suddenly, i feel him jump off of the couch.
"G-genji? What's wrong?" I ask, startled.
"I hadnt realized the time!"
He sounded distressed, "I havent gotten you anything to eat yet!"
I pause for a second, then burst out laughing.
"Angela what's the matter?" He asks. I calm down and shakily stand up. He immediately holds onto me and i clutch to his arm. "I just find it so amusing that you were so worried that i hadnt eaten. And you dont have to get me food, i can walk now. I'll join you to the cafeteria and we can eat together for once."
He sighs in relief and gives a small chuckle. "I guess i did overreact a bit," he says as he helps me walk to the mess hall. I stumble a couple times, but he's always by my side to keep be stable.
Our footsteps echo in the hallway, and they sound vastly different. My shaky, unsure feet contrast to Genji's certain, patient ones. The smell of food grows stronger the closer we get, and my stomach grumbles. I hear voices  and sounds of silverware in the distance. A few minutes later, we step through the doors and sit at a table. Genji leaves to get food but comes back quickly. It smells like some sort of chicken and vegetables, and my stomach grumbles again. I hear his visor hiss and clatter as he takes it off and places it on the table. He helps me cut and position the food on the spoon and i take a bite.
"So, how's your first meal outside of the hospital wing?" He asks as he starts on his food.
"It's delightful," i say as i take another bite.
We talk a bit while we eat, and afterwards he throws away all of our garbage and leads me back to my room.
"We should get ready for bed," he tells me once we get back. "I forgot to mention this, but the Captain has assigned me to stay with you while you sleep as well, just incase you needed something in the middle of the night. She's had an air mattress placed in your room, so i'll be right there if you need me to get anything for you."
"That's very kind of the both of you," I say as we head to my bedroom. He helps me get ready, and shows me where his mattress is placed before leading me to bed. I lay down, and in a few minutes, i fall asleep.

I wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of whimpering and movement. I sit up and realize that it's coming from genji's bed. I hear him tossing and turning.
"Genji...?" I whisper, thinking he's still awake. He doesnt respond, but i hear him muttering to himself. I slowly get out of bed and use the wall to steady myself as i walk over to the sound of his voice. I kneel by the edge of the mattress and try to make out his words.


'Is he...having a nightmare?'
The thought saddens me. 'How long has this been going on?'
I reach over to him and touch his face. He's taken his mask off, so i can feel his skin. It's drenched in what i think is either sweat, tears or both, and i push his damp hair away. I gently shake his shoulder.
"Genji, Genji wake up," i quietly say, "It's okay, im right here."
His body jolts and he gasps. He breathes heavily and i cup his face in my hands.
"A-angela?" He breathes, "Wha...what...?"
"Shh, it's okay," i hug him. He seems dazed. "It was just a bad dream. Ive got you, you'll be fine." I whisper.
After a few moments he hugs me back and buries his face in the crook of my neck. I run my fingers through his hair and rub his back, and he whimpers and hugs me tight.
We stay like this for what seems like hours, and i gingerly lay him back into bed. As i move towards the wall to guide me back to my own, i hear him speak once more. "Angela...would it be alright...if you stayed with me while i slept?" I face him and give him a patient smile. "Of course, Genji. Come here, my bed has more room. It'll be more comfortable." I hold my hand out and hear him get up. He takes it and i bring him to my bed. We get under the covers and i hear the mattress squeak under the weight. "Thank you." He simply whispers. I stroke his hair and wait until i hear his rhythmic breathing. Once he's asleep, i gently kiss his forehead and doze off.

Finding Love in Darkness (Genji x Mercy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora