Part 5

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Days go by, and Genji keeps me company as i recover. He tells me stories of his old life to entertain me, and i tell him stories of strange patients ive treated in my career. Every night he would leave to sleep in his room, but every day he'd be there when i woke up. Captain Amari checked up on me every day and changed my bandages. After two weeks, they were all removed and i was allowed to go back to my room, with the help of my new "guide dog".

I take a few tentative steps from my bed and my knees buckle. Genji keeps his arm around my waist and i hold onto his shoulder. He steadies me and i reach my other arm out to feel for anything in my way.
"Don't worry, I wont let you go. I've got you."
His voice soothes my ears, and i take another step towards the door. My legs are a bit weak because i havent used them in a while, but Genji makes sure that i dont fall.
He leads me back to my room and it takes us a while to get there.
Once i finally open the door, quite a bit of time has passed.
"I can't thank you enough," i say when he sets me down on the couch, "Are you sure that you're okay with being my helper? It'll be pretty much the same as this so it's going to get boring fairly quickly."
"Angela, ive told you already" he says gently, "I'm not leaving you to deal with this on your own. And with all of the stories you tell, im sure that it wont get boring." I smile and hear him grab something crinkly from a nearby table. Then i feel him sit next to me.
"What's that?" I ask as i turn to him.
"I have a surprise for you." He says. He sounds excited.
"What is it?" He lightly takes my hand and puts the gift in it. It's a big, rectangular thing covered loosely in wrapping paper. I feel a few individual items stacked lengthwise in the paper.
"Are these books?" I chuckle. "Genji, you know that these things are useless to me now."
"Just open it." He replies.
He's smiling again.
I feel around the package and find the tape holding it together. I rip it off and unwrap it, and Genji takes the paper and i hear him crumple it into a ball. Like i expected, inside were a few books. I touch the sides of the pages and open one of them. Im about to ask him why he got me these, but then i feel small, organized bumps on the paper. My mouth opens slightly.
"Hold on... are these...?"
"They are!" He says enthusiastically, but i give him a sheepish smile. "Oh Genji, this is very sweet of you but i don't know how to read braille."
"I know," he says "but I've spent the last few days learning how to. I got these so i could teach you," He gently takes my hand and helps me feel a line of the text. "This way you can amuse yourself when i have to leave for missions." I feel my eyes well up with tears and i wipe them away. I turn to him and hug him tightly. "This was so thoughtful of you, Genji. Thank you, i truly appreciate it." He just laughs and hugs me back.

Finding Love in Darkness (Genji x Mercy)Where stories live. Discover now