Chapter Six

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Rowan didn't think it was possible. She's seen death. She's seen hell. She didn't think she would ever, shake in her saddle, not after what she's seen. But here she was, legs shaking, eyes wide, and hands quivering, as she stared War down. War wasn't a solid being. No. It was like looking at all the hate, all the pain, of past lives, right in the eyes, and she could feel the hate, the pain, the sadness, seep into her, her bones chilling. A lone Rider, at the head of the darkness. A man. "Fedor." Rowan murmured, ripping her eyes from War. The instant that happened, when she could no longer hear the screams of the dying, see the blood spill, her mind, her heart calmed. Then she was shot. The gunshot rang out, as her abdomen burned. She slipped from her saddle, vision warping, hearing failing. She barely felt the wind rip at her as Karaglen opened her jaws, a roar Rowan could no longer hear. She closed her eyes, darkness a welcome.


Daray gritted his teeth, as tears formed at the corner of his eye. Rowan was shot, and fell, into War, the blackness swallowing her. Even though Blair had dived, with Karaglen, she couldn't catch her. Daray turned to glare, then faltered. The Government, with their Copper Dragons, one sat still, a gun at her side. Daray glared. "Daray. Calm down." Blair murmured.

"No. She killed Rowan. Why does she deserve to live?"

"Because she doesn't understand the meaning of sacrifice."

"Nobody should."

"Hey...guys. What's the thing doing?" Adrian's voice reached the boy, as he looked up. Adrian's finger was pointed down. Daray glanced down. War was...still. It stopped growing, and it seemed to be thinking, shivering at times. Then everything exploded.


Rowan wasn't going to lie. She was angry. She was angry at Fedor, for killing her mother. She was angry at herself for getting shot. But most of all...she was angry at War. For killing people, defenseless people. "They haven't died."

"I wish you'd stop saying that."

"What? They haven't."

"You sound like Karaglen."

"No. I sound like me."

"Yeah, War."

"Yes. Wait, no. My name is Qualno. God of Improvement and Newness."

"God? Oh, stop lying."

"Full truth, Rowan." Rowan scoffed, or at least, she tried to, but floating in hate, sorrow and pain, was not something she wanted to do. "Would you like to exit, Rowan?"

"Uh. Yeah."


Rowan was...spit from War, covered in black Darkness, as she shot into the air. The Darkness slid off, and she was clean when Karaglen snatched her from the air. Rowan coughed, and scrambled in Karaglen's claws. Rowan sat still, and stared at the Darkness. Karaglen landed, and set her down, the girl wobbly, but still stared. "Oi! Qualno! Get your ass out here, you fucker!" She yelled, stepping forward.

"How dare you speak to our God like that!" Fedor screamed, almost glowing with fury. Rowan scoffed.

"I don't care." She waved him off like a fly, while War mashed together, to create a body.

"Rowan. Why are you so cruel to me?" The God spoke.

"Because I don't like you, but if you stop coming here, I'd do you a favor." She said, leaning to one side, and pursed her lips. Qualno paused all his movement. Then swept down, looking Rowan in the eyes.

"What kind of favor?"

"Well, what do you want? And no more death, dude."

"I have told you before. They are not dead, Rowan."

"I'll believe that when I see the..." Rowan trailed off, eyes unfocusing. She snapped out of it, shaking her head. "Oi. Stop doing that."

"Sorry. Well...can you kill Fedor? He's been trying to get me to kill you, but God's can not kill, which is why I can't get rid of him." Qualno said, clasping his hands together, or at least, his hand shaped Darkness. Rowan stared up at him.

"Oh. Sure. I was going to do that anyways." Rowan grinned. "Let's go Karaglen." She jumped up, grabbing onto her saddle, as Karaglen flapped her wings. She swung her body over, and onto the saddle. "Let's blow that asshole up."

"My pleasure." Karaglen roared, a challenge. Fedor's dragon roared back, teeth creating sparks as they slam together in his jaw. Daray followed on Blair, Rowan drawing her sword from the sheath. It wasn't as impressive as her mother's, Fedor's, but it held a glowing diamond at the core, to channel light magic. Karaglen flew up and met the bigger dragon claw for claw, teeth for teeth. Fedor's and Rowan's swords met in midair, sparks flying from the metal meeting. Fedor, the bastard, pulled Rowan out of her saddle, and sliced at her. The blade caught her shirt and ripped it, the shards of cloth falling away. Rowan gasped and landed a punch to Fedor's face. She covered her chest, as Karaglen growled and snatched Rowan off the other dragon, holding her close to her chest and flew down, away from them.

"Daray! Get me a shirt, please!" Rowan yelled, before Karaglen landed. Daray was right behind her, ripping his jacket off.

"Here! Now come on!" Daray called, after throwing it down, as Blair swopped over their heads. Rowan caught it and pulled it over her upper body, buttoning it. She raced away, looking for something. She ran through town, occasionally looking inside buildings. Finally she found it. She picked her sword up, just as claws enveloped her.

"Shit!" She thrashed around, before stabbing the flesh. The answering roar was deep. The claws opened and she was dropped. She turned and opened her arms, right hand clenched around the hilt of her sword. Karaglen swopped and Rowan hit her back hard, skidding on her scales. She grabbed her saddle and huffed, before pulling herself up and shifted to get comfortable well, as comfortable as hard leather can get. She grumbled to herself and flicked her wrist, her sword flashing with the sunlight. "Let's get this bastard, once and for all!" She yelled, leaning forward.

"Gladly!" Karaglen held nothing back and attacked from above, grabbing the larger dragons wings as Rowan dropped.

"Surprise, asshole!" She stabbed downwards, just missing Fedor, but getting his dragon. The beast roared in pain, as Rowan struggled to rip her blade from his scales. She settled with her knife and held herself steady well, as steady as you can get on a flying dragon. Fedor slashed and Rowan dodged, having learned the hard way. Fedor's face turned ugly and Rowan chuckled. "Well, you can't get any uglier, can you?" She slashed before screaming. The Demon Dragon has flipped, sending his Rider and Rowan tumbling towards the ground. Rowan grabbed a hold of Fedor. "YOU KILLED MY MOTHER!" She stabbed him in his chest. He tried to speak, as pain flared through Rowan but all he could manage was gurgling up blood. "She didn't deserve that." Rowan said quietly. She heard Karaglen roar before claws wrapped around Rowan and Karaglen flew up before leveling. Rowans sighed, the battle finally drawing to a close as sleep wrapped her in its gentle hands. She felt Karaglen land and lay her on the ground. Daray raced for her and held her close.

"You can't die, you son of a bitch." He growled, but tears came to his eye. Rowan smiled, one of her signature grins.

"Sorry. Take care, alright? And don't die." She said quietly, before she went still, green eyes losing their light. Daray yelled and thrashed as Rowan's father held him close and everybody's heads hung, in grief. Karaglen had felt her be stabbed, deep in her gut and was the most in pain, but said nothing. The pain of losing a friend, such as Rowan, was the worst anybody had.
Two Weeks Later
All those that had opposed the Capital and Thaalis, have been either executed or detained, deep in the Capital's Core. The Academy had handed out cloaks to all those young DragonRider's that had participated in the battle and they became official DragonRiders but there was no feast, no party, as they had all lost a friend, comrade or love that day. Daray stayed with Theodore, as they hung up, the vibrant purple cloak, with a single stripe of ruby red down the back, next to the silver one. Daray was often found at the crest of the hill, overlooking the town, talking to the grave stones there. One read: Amaryllis Heartfelt - Loving Mother and Protector - Born xx12 Died xx30. The newest one, sitting right next to the other, read: Rowan Heartfelt - Daughter, Friend and Lover - Born xx23 - xx41.

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