Chapter Three

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Rowan couldn't shake her fear. The man. The dragon. It was all rushing back to her, the day she lost her mother. The day War, ran through their land. 18 years, it took them, to gather the strength, or courage, to face the country again. "Rowan...did you know them?" Karaglen asked, proding into Rowan's mind. Rowan shut her out, wall coming down on Karaglen. The dragon growled, but didn't press. Rowan sat forward, leaning against the horn of the saddle. The leather pressed into her stomach, as the wind of the north blew through her curly hair. She stared out into the dark sky.

"We shouldn't go to the Capital. We won't make it in time for the festival." Rowan mumbled. Karaglen hummed in the back of her throat, casting a watchful eye towards her Rider. Rowan sat upright, and leaned to the right, Karaglen going with the montion, and tilted her wings to the right, catching winds, and turning in a large circle. Rowan sat straight, and glanced around. She coud feel magic, somewhere, just pulsing with no limit. "Do you feel that?" The pulse was familiar, like she was back home. A dark figure was approaching, from the south, the beat of wings reaching them, as Daray and Blair came to view in the low light. Rowan sought out anything different from the younger male, the pulse of magic, growing stronger, as he came closer. "Hey, Daray." The boy looked up, Blair turning, to fly back the way they came.


"You have magic?"

"A sword." The short response, made Rowan's nerves burn.

"That's not helpful."

"Your father gave it to me. He said it was your mothers." Rowan's breath froze in her lungs, as she stared, wide eyed.


"He said it would work better with Fire Types. You are a Light Type. Did you forget that?" Rowan blinked. Then turned her head back. The sun was hours away, but the dragons could see near perfectly in the low light. So, their journey began.

"This is a lot funner then any kind of quest the officials would have given me." She mumbled. Daray grinned.

"I wouldn't say, 'funner', maybe more exciting, maybe more dangerous, or life threatening, but, that's just me."



They flew over the small village, just tiny dots of light, below the Riders. Before long, they were past it, and heading towards the border, separating them, and Munat. Rowan nodded off, eyes closing, as she slipped away.

The sky was dreary, and rain feel at a constent pace. Rowan stood outside, crouched close to the ground, little garden shears, hitting the ground in a rythmn. Thump, drag, thumo, drag, thumo, drag. Two weeks. Two weeks have past, since her mother went missing. Everybody assumed the worst-she was dead. Rowan didn't think so. "The man on the fire dragon took her!" She cried to her father, who sat at the table, staring at an empty whisky bottle, most likely contemplating weather to get up, and get another bottle, or to sit there, and wait for someone else to do it. Rowan would growl, and storm away. Sometimes, she'd pack a bag, and run away, going on a journey, to look for her mother. She'd always come back, after a few hours, because she knew her father needed her. But the last time, at the age of 8, she left, and didn't return home, until two weeks later, set on finding her mother. Of course, all she found was the border guards, with their Bronze dragons, turning her away. She went back home, only to find the whole village in disaray, looking for her. That snapped her father out of his drinking and ignoring faze. Rowan sighed to the ground, wondering when it got so windy, and why somebody was yelling for her. Everybody knew she was outside, right?

Rowan woke up, hair flying, and three voices screaming. "ROWAN!" Karaglen was diving towards her, Daray on Blair following quickly after. Rowan wondered why she wasn't with Karaglen, then realized she was falling.

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