Chapter One

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Rowan pranced around her mother's legs, dodging her father, who was, at the moment, trying to place her into a dress. "But I don't want too, Daddy!" The girl cried, then squealed in excitement, when her father picked her up, throwing her up, then catching her, and pulling the dress over her head.

"But you have too, Rowan." He chuckled at his steaming daughter. The young brunette huffed, but giggled when her father tickled her stomach. The man set her down, and she took off. The giant, near immovable wall in front of their house, shifted.

"Selene!" Rowan called. The large, Silver, shifted again, and lifted her aging head.

"Miss. Rowan." The dragon purred, nuzzling the young female.

"Mom wants you to help with the hunting this time 'round." Rowan said, settling chubby, 7 year old hands on Selene's snout.

"Of course." Selene's cool breath, breezed over Rowan, giving her a wind-blown feel and look. Rowan chuckled, then raced under the dragon, and took off down the dirt road. Today was the Midsummer Festival. There was going to be food, drink, and much, much more. Rowan was brimming with excitement. It was her seventh one, and she was always awed at what her parents put together. As protector of the village, and farm land around them, her mother was their leader, with Selene.

"Rowan!" The girl turned quickly, and a grin broke out on her face. Her bestfriend, Joshua, was racing towards her. Her grin fell, when his brown eyes were filled with fear.

"Josh! What happened?" As the small boy grew closer, Rowan saw dark smudges, in his clothes.

"Something bad. Where's your mum?"

"Back home-Selene!" Rowan screamed, as Joshua toppled over, convulsing. The Silver was on them within seconds, her muzzle, gently touching the boy. He cried out in pain. People gathered around, murmuring to one another. Rowan's mother stepped forward, and laid a gentle hand in Joshua, and closed her eyes. Selene lifted her head, tongue flicking out. Rowan shivered, and glanced upward. "Mom...what's that?" She asked, her mother standing quickly.

"Inside! Everybody get inside! Now!" She screamed, Selene lowering herself, as her mother climbed onto her back. Rowan's father picked her and Joshua up, and raced back home. Her mother flying upwards on Selene, was the last thing Rowan ever saw of her.

The town was ruined, fires everywhere, and that darkness, covered the buildings. Her mother was never found, only her silver cloak, remained.

October 14 - 18 years later

Rowan stood at the ready, legs tense. At 25, she was at the top of her class at Rider Academy. If she passed this test, she would be able to fight, and go on a quest. The light burst from the man's hand and the line of students, took off. Rowan started out slow, pacing herself, jumping over logs, and sliding under higher ones. She barely missed the foot, as it slammed into the tree to her left, nearly catching her side. Rowan hissed, at the male. "Oi! Adrian!" The boy chuckled, then raced away. Adrian got on Rowan's nerves. A lot. Rowan chased after him.

'Rowan. Stay focused.' A voice rung clear, in her head. Rowan took a deep breath.

'Right.' She nodded, then raced off, now intent on winning this. With her small stature, and her speed, she easily dodged logs, and kicks, from fellow Riders. She understood, that she could get annoying, but this was getting ridiculous. She could see the end, the bright red flag, and their dragons waiting. Karaglen stood at the ready, bright red neck, a flare against her dark violet body. Rowan broke from the trees, before being tackled.

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