6 - A Stormy Night

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"Are you sure you can't come this weekend, Y/N?" Y/F/N spoke from her seat on the sofa. You got up for a moment or two to grab a drink of water from the fridge. "I wish I could come but I can't, work's being a pain and they won't let me have any extra days off." You sigh.

As much as you would've loved to go with Y/F/N, you simply weren't able to get the time off and honestly, you were  quite pissed off about that.

"I can always reschedule with my parents and make it another weekend if you like." Y/F/N suggests, wanting you to feel a little better. "No, it's fine, don't feel like you need to cancel your plans with your family because of my job. I know you've been looking forward to going back to London for a long time." You tell her.

"I know, it just won't be the same without you because I always have my best friend or sister beside me." Y/F/N frowns. "Don't worry about it, next time I promise to get time off work to travel down to London with you." You smile a little. "Even though I'm only going for a long weekend, I'm going to miss you." Y/F/N admits. "I know, I'll miss you too." You pout a little.

Friday morning rolls in quicker than expected and before you knew it, Y/F/N was off to London.

"Are you sure you've got everything?" You ask, as you try to drag out the time that you had left with Y/F/N before she had to go. "Yes, I'm pretty sure, I've already checked about three times." Y/F/N reassures her.

Almost as soon as this was said, a taxi was seen pulling up outside the cottage. It beeped its horn to let Y/F/N know that it was here. "There's my ride-" Y/F/N began, before sighing. She wished that you were coming with her. "I guess this is goodbye until Monday evening." She frowns.

You open your arms wide and hug Y/F/N tightly. "I'll miss you." You tell her, as you frown. "I know and I'll miss you too but I'll be back before you know it and I'll bring you back a few things from London." Y/F/N replies with a small smile.

You decide to walk Y/F/N out to the taxi and help her, as well as the taxi driver, get Y/F/N's luggage into the boot.

"We'd need to be heading off now if you've got a flight to catch-" the taxi driver began, as he motioned Y/F/N to get into the taxi. "-and we don't want to hit rush hour."

As London was about a five hour car journey, Y/F/N decided that it would be quicker and easier to get a flight from Cardiff airport as it would only take her an hour to get there.

"Bye-" You wave to your best friend as the taxi driver started the engine. Y/F/N frowns a little as she didn't want to leave you. "Bye." She replies.

Soon, the taxi drove off and out of sight.

You sigh to yourself. It was Friday morning and you knew that you had to be getting ready for work in a couple of hours. As much as you dread going to work, you only had today until it was technically the weekend.

You get ready rather slowly, wanting to drag out your time so you had some time to relax before having to head off.

Just as you were beginning to head out the door to work, you receive a text message from Y/F/N;

'Just arrived at the airport, hope all is well at home x'

You smile a little to yourself before typing a reply.

'that's good to hear, hope you have a safe flight and yeah, it's fine but a little lonely without you here x'

You quickly glance up at the clock but had to do a double take as you didn't realise what the time was. It was nearly 7:45 and you had under 15 minutes to get there on time. You rush out of the door with your phone, work bag and car keys in your hand.

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