2 - A Helping Hand

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It had been many weeks since you had first met Chris. Ever since you met him, you had felt a small spark between the both of you.

Today, you were going back to the farm shop to get your usual groceries, but also to hopefully see Chris again. 

After you had collected your groceries from the farm shop, almost instantly after you had walked out of the shop, you spot Chris walking towards you, carrying some goods for the shop. As Chris got closer and realised that it was you, he smiled to himself.

"Hey, how you doing?" He winked before smiling. "Hey, I'm doing great thanks, how are you?" you respond, as you could feel your cheeks heating up a little. "Aw that's good and yeah I'm good thanks." He smiled at you, before opening the shop door and walking in there with the goods. 

Because Chris looked rather busy, you decided to leave the farm shop and drive home. Thankfully, you didn't live too far away though. 

Chris was helping Tyler restock the shelves. However, he was trying to be quite quick because he wanted to talk to you and get to know you some more. "I'm going to dash over and get the next lot of goods. Back in a minute!" Chris told Tyler as he exited the shop quickly. As soon as he was outside, he looked around for your vehicle which didn't seem to be there. Although he didn't show it, Chris was a little sad that you weren't there anymore.

Chris ducked his head a little as he walked back over to the field. Tyler on the other hand had seen how quickly Chris had exited the shop and knew that he was originally looking for you. He decided to wait until Chris was to come back into the shop with the next lot of goods before talking to him about this. 

It took a while for Chris to bring the next lot of goods. In fact, it took him longer than it did the first time. Eventually, Chris returned back to the shop with some more goods. "You took your time mate, is everything alright?" Tyler questioned Chris who seemed slightly down. "Huh? Yeah I'm fine, just tired." Chris lied as he turned around and began to help restock the goods. 

"It's about Y/N isn't it?" Tyler muttered slightly, as he put a few cans on their shelf. "Hm?" Chris responded, not sure whether he had heard Tyler correctly. "Are you sure you're just tired?" Tyler rephrased what he had just said. "I mean, yes and no." Chris sighed slightly. "If you don't mind me asking, were you sad that Y/N had left?" Tyler asked, as he looked at Chris who was trying to avoid making any eye contact. "Yeah..." Chris trailed as he sighed a little. "Oh, I'm sorry." Tyler replied, "I can see that you like her, like, really like her." 

Chris looked at him. "You better not tell her." He warned Tyler as he pointed his finger at him. "I'm not saying anything but I think you should tell her that you like her-" Tyler began, but instantly got cut off. "I would but I don't want to get rejected, I'll admit it, I've got strong feelings for Y/N, stronger than any other girl that I've seen before or spoken to but I'm scared that if I tell her how I feel now, that she might not feel the same way." 

"I'm sure she does feel the same way, haven't you seen the way that she waits for you every time that she's here or how she immediately blushes when you start to talk to her?" Tyler continued. Chris thought for a minute. "Yes but I thought that she's just shy or something, I don't know..." He trailed, as he tried to work it out. "Trust me, i definitely think she likes you, to me, it's pretty obvious because I've seen her stare out of the window and look for you and today when she left early, she looked back one last time in hope that she'd see you before heading home. She likes you Chris." Tyler finished. 

Chris smiled a little to himself. "Why don't you tell her how you feel, I'm sure she wouldn't judge you and would probably admit to you that she feels the same way." Tyler said. "How can I tell her when she's not physically here?" Chris asked, as he began to look around, just in case she might have come back. "You know how all our reoccurring customers give us their contact details so that we can contact them when our next stock is in?" Tyler began. "Yes?" Chris spoke, wanting Tyler to elaborate. "Well, maybe you can text her and talk to her like that, since her number is already in our log book." Tyler suggested. 

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