1 - How You and Chris Met

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This is my very first Farmer Chris X Reader (written so that you can imagine yourself with Chris). Before hand, this was actually a collection of imagines, however, I've decided to turn it into an X reader. 

Also 'Y/N' means your name and Y/N/N means your nick name. Y/F/N means your friend's name.

Enjoy ^-^

As soon as you  got to the entrance of the farm, you park your black mini cooper in a free space. You sigh slightly as you turned the keys of the car to the left in order for it to stop the engine from running. Before getting out of the car, you made sure that you had put the car in park rather than neutral as you didn't want to come back and find that your car would be gone.

You proceed to stroll towards the farm shop's entrance, car keys in one hand and her purse in the other. You open the shop door, the bell rang as you did so. Tyler, the man who worked behind the till, looked up. When he realised that you had entered, he smiled warmly at you.

"Ah, Y/N! What would you like today?" He asked her. "Just the usual, milk and eggs please." You smile back sweetly, sweeping your hair out of her face. "Alright, let me go get those for you, back in a tick!" Tyler responded, before going into the back to get the milk and the eggs.

You begin to wander around the shop as you waited patiently, trying to decide whether to buy a chocolate cake as well. In the end, you concluded that you'd just stick with the eggs and milk.

"Here we are!" Tyler exclaimed, as he put two pints of milk and a box of free range eggs into a bag for you to take away. "That'll be £3.50 please." He continued. "Are you sure? Because last time I walked in, you said it was £4." You question, a little confused as to why the price had suddenly dropped. "I thought I'd give you a discount since you come in here every weekend, it's the least I could do." Tyler replied. "Aw, thank you." You respond, before counting up your change to make sure that you had the right amount.

When you had sorted out the right amount of money, you handed Tyler the money in return for the milk and the eggs. "Goodbye!" You spoke, as you turn away from the till and began to walk out of the farm shop and back to your car. "Bye Y/N!" Tyler finished, as he waved you off.

As you were walking back to your car, you look over to your right and spot a young man riding a tractor. It appeared that the young man had also noticed you as he was smiling and began to wave. You laughed a little to yourself as you smile and wave back at him.

You notice that he didn't seem to be concentrating on what he was doing and instead, was still waving at you. You look ahead of the tractor to see where he was going and realised that he was very close to crashing into a tree. "Be careful!" You call to him, as you wave your arms in the air and point to a tree only metres in front of him. The young man couldn't quite understand what you were trying to say. "The tree! In front of you!" You shout a little louder, before waving your arms around in despair. Unfortunately, the moment that the young man took his eyes off you, he looked back to his route and slammed on the brakes heavily. Because of the delay in the brakes, the young man ended up crashing into a tree.

You gasp in shock, "ah shit!" you exclaim, as you drop your milk and eggs without thinking and rush over to see if the young man is okay. Thankfully, when you approach him, there didn't seem to be too much damage, just a slight dent in the front of the tractor, however, the tree had been completely knocked to one side.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" You ask him, worriedly. The young man, who was still in shock from what had happened, coughed slightly before going bright red with embarrassment. "Ah, yeah I'm alright." He stuttered a little, still slightly pink. "Are you sure?" You question, feeling genuinely worried about him.

The young man scratched the back of his neck as he looked closer at the damage to his tractor. "Yeah, I'm sure, thanks though." He replied, a small smile played on his lips. "Okay, that's good. I'm sorry about your tractor." You apologise, feeling bad. "Please don't be sorry, it's not your fault, it'll be fine, I just need to replace the engine." He told you, as he looked at the tractor's engine which looked rather damaged.

"Anyway," he began, "what's your name?"

You look at him sweetly and smiled, "my name's Y/N but people call me Y/N/N" The young man smiled at you, "that's a nice name, mine's Chris." He replied, as he stuck his hand out for you to shake. "Ah, nice to meet you." you say, as you shake his hand. "So, what would you like me to call you? Y/N or Y/N/N?" Chris asks. "Y/N please." You reply, with a smile. "Alright Y/N, I've got to get back to harvesting the crops as well as putting a new engine in the tractor but I'll see you around." He spoke, as he winked as well.

You could feel yourself going bright red. "Okay, see you around." You smile, as you turn around to walk away from him. Half way back to the car, you turn around to see him off. You watch him wave a couple of times before he finally disappeared out of sight. Once he was gone, you finally decide that it was time to leave.

Farmer Chris X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora